Losing My Mind

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Okay so, I just want to explain something and this will most likely be lengthy so sorry about that. I don't think you could consider this as a spoiler but if you hate them THAT much then go ahead and read on but don't blame me if you get super confused. Okay then, so if you haven't noticed all ready we got some weird twitching happening to countries whenever a territory has been taken over. This is to show that they are either loosing or gaining land. I have said that this has been happening to the 'Mystery' country and England (and Argentina last chapter). Well, it will take longer for the twitching to effect the country loosing the land. So England will not twitch until later on in the timeline of the 'mystery' country taking The Overseas British Territories, since they belong to England. This is because the territory has to be FULLY conquered before it effects the country that originally owned the land. So it will not effect the original country until the new owner of the land has for example: Set up laws, chosen the human in charge of the land, set up the military, taxes, deciding what happens to the people already living there, etcetera. I hope this was easy to understand if not feel free to ask a question in the comments and I'll explain as best as I can...

I also may be picking on England in this chapter so I'm very sorry if it offends you but it is for the purpose of this story...

Now let's continue...


England's POV

I don't quite understand what is happening...Everyone just seems to... hate me? I suppose... well, not everyone I still have Wales and North and the original 6 countries America and Canada introduced me and Scotland to on our first day...Oh Scotland... I don't know what he feels about me. We haven't really talked unless needed and my heart still flutters when near him and it's starting to piss me off. Why does my love have to be to the one country who probably despises me the most! Well... maybe not the most. Ireland seems to hate me a lot as well. That's who Scotland's been hanging out with at school now. He still hangs out with us for sure and it's painful to see him but know that I can't have what I desire. It's even more painful that Japan and South Korea have caught up on their relationship and talks about how cute they are. Nobody else knows about what I told Scotland, although I'm guessing Scotland told Ireland with how he acts towards me. But that's a little off subject I guess. These past school days have just gone... horrible...

I don't know how the rumours started or who started them but once that one little lie was said, that one little sentence that was whispered into someone's ear was heard; it spread like wild fire. About how I was the one that started UK's colonisation of most of the world and how I was planning to do it again... and not to mention people started to talk about the horrible torture done to the colonised countries and the people living there. How I was a cold hearted, blood-thirsty country that hated all and wanted to rule the world. I can't deny this. There was a time in which this was my mindset and I cannot begin to explain... how much I regret it... I wish if I had known what the hell I was doing, if I just had some slight bit of common sense and had known just how much it was going to effect me in the future, I wish I could take it all back... I dearly wish I could.

I hate walking through the dreaded school halls and to see fear in some countries eyes at the sight of me. Some countries look as though they want to beat me to a pulp and I have to admit: that's a scary thing to think about. I'm not the strong country I used to be as The UK. I got knocked out from a volleyball for goodness sake! What do they think I'm gonna do to them?! The rumours keep on spreading and some of them are fake and only make me seem worse. Guess anybody will believe anything even though they don't have solid evidence of me ever doing some of those fake rumours. But some are all to familiar... Things I had forgotten only to be cursed with having to see and hear them again...

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