Ideas of Things the Love Interests Can Do in Your Novel

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them resting together and talking to each other before falling asleep — bonus if character A gets character B to run their hand through their hair and down their back

forehead touching

forehead kisses

character A stroking character B's head in that where they're hand lingers on their cheek or jaw and giving them a self smile

slow, shy kissing that eventually just ends up being really calming and nice to both of them

character A talking about something they enjoy greatly while character B just stares at them with a smile and a slight laugh because wow what a cutie their partner is

hugs around the waist from behind and nuzzling their neck while talking as casually as ever

gazing up at the night sky while lying down, pointing out different stars, holding hands, shifting closer to one another, and talking about their future plans together and what they want to name their children one day

character A watching character B sleep and feeling like there's nothing wrong in the world — character B knowing that they're doing this but letting them anyway

character A giving up their seat for character B

character A playing with character B's hair when they sense they are anxious to calm them down

character A seeing that character B's shoelace is undone and instead of telling them, they do it themselves

the way that character A looks at character B when they both get a reference to a private joke — them bursting out laughing and everyone else not knowing what's going on

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