Down About Writing? Here's a Writer Feels Pep Talk

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I'm here with a writer pep talk for all seasons and reasons! If you're down about writing, I am here to cheer you up. I'm offering positive encouragement about finishing books, editing, querying, traditional publishing, and more!

by Alexa Donne

1. Most people will never finish writing a book but YOU DID!

2. The hardest book you will ever write is your first book.

3. First books and especially first drafts of books are messy, and THAT'S OKAY! Don't worry about perfection!

4. All books need editing, so you can fix anything! You can revise a "bad" book, and "bad" books are usually not as bad as you think they are.

5. Most authors don't publish their first books — NORMAL! Once you have written your first book and you know what you are doing, know the way you organize, and know the way you do things, you'll get another idea and start fresh as an experienced writer. Every book you write and story you start teaches you something new about reading.

6. Writing is a skill, a muscle, and something you can get better at. You can improve! You can't do anything with talent if you never work for more.

7. Don't compare your first draft to a final product. What you see on the shelf has been worked over many times, so don't compare your first draft to a final copy of a published book.

8. Every writing process is a valid writing process (if it works for you).

9. Hard work pays off.

10. Second book syndrome sucks (you're not crazy).

11. You are good enough (or will be).

12. Writing is a long game.

13. There's room for lots of similar stories.

So write like you're running out of time (but you're not)!

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