Scene Idea: Characters Forced to Share a Bed

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For characters that are not yet together or haven't acknowledged their feelings for each other

Character A builds a wall of pillows between them. They wake up tangled in each other anyway.

Character A calms character B down when they wake up gasping.

Character A makes character B sleep on the floor while they sleep on the bed. They fight over who gets the bed so much that character A says, "Alright fine, we'll share the bed!"

Character A is holding onto character B, and every time character B tries to get Character A off of them, character A just whines and holds on tighter.

Character A soothing character B by stroking their hair and forehead till they fall asleep in their arms.

Character A keeps snoring and character B kicks them every time.

Character A asks character B to sing them to sleep. Character A starts crying but character B doesn't hush them or ask what's wrong, just continues to sing and let them have their tears.

Character A hogs all the covers and character B's solution is to spoon them.

They wake up intertwined and hear a camera go off.

The two of them smelling of each other when they wake up.

The pair acting like the intimacy they shared the night before never happened the next day.

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