Ch. 8 - Trust in who we are

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The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. - Harriet Beecher Stowe


(Long chapter ahead. Just a warning.)

December 17th


I woke up to the sound of phones going off. I reached over to grab my cell and answered it.

"Carter" I could hear Reid answering his phone beside me.

"They've found a new body, have you and Reid meet me at the address I just texted you."

"Okay love you, dad." I hung up and got up. It was 3:42 am and we were in the middle of a case. I threw a pair of slacks on and buttoned up a wine-colored blouse.

"We'll be right there Morgan." Reid hung up on his end. 

"Morning sweetheart," Reid said softly as he kissed me while pulling on a pair of pants.

 "We went to bed 2 hours ago, I'd hardly call this morning." I'd learned I could be grumpy when woken up like this.

"C'mon just think about our vacation in a few days." We rushed out the door and into our car. We were on a case in Miami, Florida with an L.D.S.K. who preferred the night shift. This would be the 6th body in 3 weeks. I typed the address into the GPS and we made the silent drive. 

"I'm nervous Spence." I blurted out. We had officially started dating 2 weeks ago and last week just before the case he had asked me to come to visit his mom for Chrismas with him. I'd said yes like he'd just asked me to marry him. But this vacation was special to me also, I'd finally found the burial site of my family and everyone else that died that day. I hadn't told anyone but Spencer since it was breaking countless protective custody rules. He was going to take me to visit their graves. 

"You've seen dead bodies before, Rose." It was too early for even our IQ points to matter. When I didn't answer he realized what I meant. "My mom will love you, she's loved every letter about you. And as for the other part, we don't have to go Max."

"I don't even know who I really am, Spence. I have to do this." He pulled my hand into his.

We pulled up on the crime scene and stepped out. I was thankful for the warm weather as I had spaced a coat when we left.

"Agent Carter and Dr. Reid." We flashed our badges as we stepped into the laundromat.

"Victim is Kelly Gate, a 27-year-old single mom." My dad announced.

"Blonde hair and blue eyes just like the rest," I whispered.

"Single GSW to the neck. At least our unsub stays to the same rhythm." Reid said as he examined the body.

"When is he going to make a mistake?" I proclaimed. I was tired and now upset.

"He may have with this victim." I looked at my dad. "We finally have a connection. All of these women are surrogates for a murder that happened 6 months ago. Jesse Mayberry was shot after dropping her son off at the fathers. Garcia was able to find the name Kyle Marks but she can't trace him." I sat back at the news. We had a name, now we just needed to find him. 


2:04 pm

"Alright thank you, mama." Derek hung up. We all looked up at him hopefully. "Garcia found a last known associate. Garrett Haven."

We headed to the address and vested up.

"Garrett Haven, FBI open up!" We busted the door open and rushed in. We found two men inside.

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