Ch. 15 - Undercover Risks

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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. -  Charles Caleb Colton


May 31st


"We are looking for a white male in his 30-40s. Since the victim pool, he is targeting is consistent with this." 

"He is targetting rich-married couples who frequent high-end hotel events in downtown Las Vegas. He lures the wife away and then robs both of them. The robberies always end in death in the couple's own hotel room."

"They are being strangled and then posed as if they were sleeping." 

"We are going to be sending Agent Carter and Dr. Reid undercover to the poker tournament this afternoon. They will be tasked with luring the unsub into our trap." 

"That is all, we will keep you updated if we learn any more." We finished delivering the profile and thanked the officers before us. 

We had been in Las Vegas for the last 3 days on a serial-robbery case. The unsub was killing married rich folk in their hotel rooms after robbing them and he was accelerating fast. He was smart and didn't leave any forensic DNA behind. All we knew was somehow he was luring the wife away and by separating the couple he could overpower them and we would find two bodies the next day. 

That was until JJ had the bright idea of someone going undercover. At first, it was going to be Derek and Emily but they didn't fit the victimology. The only two that did, were Reid and I. All of the victims were 24-29 and white. Young and rich.

"So, what are we wearing to this event?" I joked. I had never been to something so high-dollar. The buy-in was $150,000 alone. But Rossi had loaned us the money, joking that Reid is the only person he trusts for this. And the fact that we would be getting it back afterward.

"It's black-tie formal. You two need to go shopping." Emily said. Her excitement edging in. I groaned.

"Some of us hate shopping, Em." I sighed.

"Let's go you two, we've only got 5 hours." JJ rushed.


We had split up and I was stuck with the girls looking for a dress. We were in a boutique now, and the price tags were so high I felt my blood pressure rise every time I looked down. 

I had stopped paying attention to what the girls were saying as I paused in front of a mannequin. I was completely captivated by the dress on it. It was calling to me.

"Oh, this is beautiful. And you're size. It's fate." JJ cooed.

"You have to try it on. It fits the event perfectly. Plus you'll look hot as hell." Em teased. We flagged over an employee and I asked to try on the dress. She smiled and grabbed the dress for me. Delicately handing it to me as I walked to the dressing room in the back. 

I stepped into the dress and shuddered at the cold silk on my skin. I twirled and looked in the mirrors before me. I was stunning. This was a dream dress if I'd ever had one.

"Girls you better say yes, because this is my dream dress," I called as I stepped out. Both of their jaws dropped. 

"You I don't have a word for it." 

"You're gorgeous." I stepped back into the changing room and got back into my work clothes. We walked up to the front of the boutique and I handed her the dress. I had to look away while she rung up the price, I didn't feel like having a heart attack. The employee zipped the dress into a bag and we stepped out. We met up with the guys, Spencer carrying a similar bag. We smiled at each other. 

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