Ch. 36 - He Who Believes He is God

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The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw


December 14th

(Warning:  longer chapter and grab yo kleenex)


"I'm not having this conversation with you again, Spencer." I snapped as I rushed passed him to hand Simon his backpack. His toothy smile didn't meet his eyes as he listened to his parent's fight. 

"Well, what I have to say deserves to be heard." I whipped around when I felt his hand on my shoulder. Our eyes locked but I kept the ire ablaze as I looked into his calm mediating ones. 

"Spencer we are going to be late for work, this can wait or frankly we can just never talk about it again." I threw my hands up in the air like I was spreading the ashes of this conversation. I met up with the kids in the kitchen, their hushed whispers telling me everything they wouldn't.

"Fine, shut me out. But when you see that I was right and there was no reason for us to even start fighting in the first place I don't want to hear an 'I'm sorry'." I looked at him as his voice dropped, a sudden knawing feeling at my heart. 

We said nothing else as we walked downstairs and got the kids in the car. Our eyes locked briefly as we got into the car, a silence settled over us and it ate away at everything we wanted to say. While he drove to the school I let my eyes drift to the sky and my mind drift off.

This had all started because I had seen text messages appear on his phone this morning. 3 messages from an unsaved number and it were the messages themself that started this.

"Spencie, I miss you."

"Spencie, I hope you miss me."

"Spencie, I can't wait to see you again. It's been so long."

I had kept myself contained until he came back from seeing his mom, and then as calmly as I could I asked him about them. And it wasn't the fact that he dismissed the text messages, it was the fact that he was lying about them. I'm a goddamn prolifer, you would think he wouldn't lie to me. He knew exactly who was texting him but he had lied and said they were just had the wrong number.

"They called you Spencie! Tell me the probability of that being a wrong number, Reid." I had all but yelled in his face. He flinched and deleted the messages, his eyes meeting mine finally as he looked up.

"The name Spencer is highly popular, I don't know who is sending these." His voice is what gave him away, it was his tell. Plus he always looked at my hair instead of my eyes when he lied.

"I have given you everything, I have loved you since the beginning. If I wasn't enough then maybe you should have just told me instead of CHEATING!" I screamed. I heard a soft clatter behind the door and stalled. I opened the door and saw Simon and Brenna looking up at me. I gave them a soft smile and told them to go to their rooms. 

"I would never cheat on you Max, gods just the idea of it makes me want to hurl. I love you dammit. I don't know who this person is, I don't know what they want." I turned away from him, I couldn't stand to meet his gaze. 

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, we need to get ready for work. I need to make sure the kids are getting ready for school." I went to walk away but a soft hand landed on my elbow, I stalled in the doorway. I didn't turn to him but I didn't turn away. 

"Please Max..."

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt us park. I got out and helped Simon hop out of the car, his sad eyes met mine and I instantly melted.

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