Ch. 40 - All Things Must Come to an End

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Many persons have the wrong idea of what constitutes true not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. - Helen Keller


2 years later

December 5th


"Ey' boss you've got a call from someone named...oh wow David Rossi." I rushed over and grabbed the phone from Tommy's hand. 

"Rossi, why didn't you just call my cell?" I laughed, my eyes watching the movement around the room. My team running around like busy bees, ideas floating in the air as they discussed the current case. I looked up saw Spencer standing in our office from its elevated position, a smile on his lips as he read through a book.

"The element of surprise my dear girl, and you didn't pick up." I felt my pocket and sighed, I'd developed a terrible habit of leaving my phone in my office.

"So, what's the special occasion that's got you taking a step away from your trip with your daughter?" It was only a couple months after we took the offer that Joy had searched him out, I remember the phone call and hurried flight out. After the situation settled she was a pleasure to get to know, and 6 months later Rossi decided to retire. 

"It's about time I get to be a dad, and well a grandpa. Carolyn would want this, I know she's watching from above. It's new to me, and if I can figure out how to profile a serial killer than I'm sure I can do this. I trust my legacy is in great hands with Hotch and our dear Max and Spencer. Gideon is proud, wherever he is."

"I hadn't talked to my favorite redhead in months, how's the husband and kids?" I smiled, warm memories pooling in my head.

"He's great, no he's excellent. This team is outstanding and they appreciate his brilliance almost as much as I do. He shines like a star ready to burn out, it's beautiful David. Brenna and Simon have grown so much and Gods they are finally in a school made for them. They excel in everything, I couldn't be more proud. I was so worried when we decided to do this that it was going to crash and burn, but it's done the complete opposite. We've partnered with my dad a few times for some big cases and it was amazing to introduce the teams to each other." I shifted to sit slightly on the desk, standing causing me a little bit of pain. 

"Well, that's beautiful my dear. But I called with a bit of an ulterior motive. I'm throwing a party at my house on the 7th, would you and the family be able to join?" I looked over at the crime board, we were so close to catching this guy, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to say yes.

"We'd love too, but we are on an active case at the moment. It should be closed by then hopefully." Tommy waltzed back over to grab his notepad.

"We'll see you then, I send my love." I hung up and put the phone back in its place. Tommy looked at me, his eyes curious.

"I can't believe you used to work with the David Rossi, boss." He reminded me of a puppy when he was like this.

"I knew him most of my life, the guy is brilliant and has great taste in whiskey." I reminisced the time I got trashed off 300-year whiskey when I was 21. 

"Hey Doc, Jamie finished the geo-profile. She wants you to take a look at it." Spencer had been teaching the team how to do the things he was best at.

"I shouldn't be the only genius in the room with this knowledge. We are all on the same level to me, and I believe we should share the knowledge of how to do these things. Plus I've started to grow bored of these digital and acrylic maps, wheres the old-fashioned paper ones when you want them."

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