Chapter twenty-six

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After talking with shit bag Jasper I walked over to the group keeping my eyes solely focused on Chase.

"excuse me" I said meekly and everyones heads turned towards me

"what's up kid?" Chase asked and it made me frustrated

"first of all, I'm only two years younger than you, and second, Chase I need to speak with you urgently" I said and he chuckled walking over to me and ruffling my hair with his hand.

"sure" he said and laughed at my attempt at fixing my hair. 

I lead him up the stairs and into my room shutting and locking the door behind me, he sat on the edge of my bed and I bit my lip as nerves worked their way up my throat.

"What did you need to tell me?" he asked expectantly, and the words just came out

"me and Jasper are trying to break you and Quinn up" I slapped a hand over my mouth, curse me and my lack of ability to lie, the words tumbled out of my mouth like vomit.

"what the fuck" he said angrily and he stood up making his way towards the door and I grabbed his wrist.

"no please let me explain" I said pleadingly and he scoffed

"explain what? why you and that douche were trying to ruin my stable four year relationship for no reason?" he said, and my shoulders slumped and I felt the tears prick my eyes before I let them fall freely, I really am a big baby, the sobs racked my body as I sat on the edge of the bed with my face in my hands until I felt a hand touch my thigh, I looked up and saw Chase sitting in front of me on the floor.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you that was unfair and I'm sorry, can you explain it to me so I can understand better?" he asked, almost as if he was speaking to a child and it made me upset to think that, he did in fact view me as a child.

"You know how Xander and Iris are mates right?" I asked once I gained back some control, he nodded his head slowly so I continued

"I don't know if you really know what mates are, mates are two people whom the moon goddess has chosen to put together for life, a mate is a soul mate written in the stars and for a werewolf, you'll know when you found your mate, you smell them, and you can't go without your mate for too long or you'll eventually die because a mate is like your life line, you can't undo it and choose someone different, and there have been a lot of cases where we have human mates, and Quinn is Jaspers mate" I said letting it sink it for him, and I hoped he would understand I was trying to say he was my mate but I doubt it.

"okay what does that have to do with why you were gonna help him, don't you hate him for what he did to your sister?" he asked and I gulped

"I was going to help him because you're my mate" I said and his eyes widened 

"oh wow, and what happens if I stay with Quinn?" he asked and just the thought made my blood boil.

"I'll eventually die" I said and he blew out a gust of air

"but I love her Kris" he said and I hated hearing him say that, he's supposed to love me not her, but no I'm just a child in his eyes, I choked on a sob as tears started to fall down my face.

"no please don't cry, I'm not gonna say I didn't feel something when we kissed at the fire" he said and my head perked up a little bit.

"really?" I asked and he smiled at me

"really" he said and I smiled but it disappeared when I remembered something

"but what does it matter, you just think I'm a kid anyways" I said sadly and he lifted my chin

"I only say it to tease you because teasing you is fun, to me you're a beautiful young women" he said and I blushed 

"thank you" I said meekly and he chuckled

"no problem, and honestly I lied earlier" he said sitting down on the bed next to me making himself more comfortable.

"what about?" I asked and he sighed

"me and Quinn, our relationship is far from stable, she accuses me of cheating all the time, she basically beat the fuck out of me after me and you's kiss" he said and I growled lowly, his head shot in my direction and he smirked.

"don't get upset I'm fine" he said and I pouted

"but yeah, she makes me so fucking miserable Kris you don't understand, but I can't help but still love her" he says and I rub his back soothingly

"ya know me and her have been together since the summer before freshman year, she was actually my first" he said and for some reason that hurt my feelings a bit.

"I uh, I've never actually had sex before" I said and he raised an eyebrow

"really?" he asked and I blushed

"yeah, I was saving myself, for my mate" I said embarrassingly

"well I'm honored" he said and I finally looked into his beautiful blue orbs, I don't know what came over me, but I leaned in and kissed him, lightly at first but he didn't pull away so I deepened it, he grabbed my waist before he quickly pulled away, leaving me confused.

"I'm sorry Kris, I'm still with Quinn, I just need some time to figure this whole ordeal out" he said scratching his head.

"But I don't have time, I don't want time Chase I want you" I said eagerly and he smiled at me

" I want you too as weird as it sounds, we haven't known each other all that long but you're just fun and bubbly to be around" he said with a smile and I blushed lightly.

"I have to deal with Quinn before anything else okay?" he said and I smiled sadly at him

"okay" I said meekly and he brought his head down to meet mine letting his lips touch mine softly.

"I won't make you wait long" he said with his forehead against mine

"promise?" I asked and he smirked

"Promise" he said before unlocking the door and disappearing down the hall, I shut the door closed behind him, and hopped in bed letting sleep take over with one last thought left on my mind.

I hope you keep your promise.


*not edited*

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