Chapter twenty-eight

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It's been a month since Iris went into a coma, I'm basically going insane without her, everything is changing all around me but I could care less, my focus is on Iris and Iris only. I haven't slept a full night and I haven't eaten much either, I'm rather skinny and I hate it, Tiffany has been asking about me at school since I don't even bother to show up, how can I try and live my life when my mate is in a coma.

"Xander" Harper says coming into Iris' room which I haven't left for longer than an hour in case she wakes up.

"what?" I asked groggily looking up at her and she smiles at me sympathetically 

"you should go shower, I'll stay here and let you know if anything changes" she says walking over to me and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"no thanks" I said reaching over and grabbing  Iris' cold hand rubbing circles on the pale skin

"Xander please, you don't understand what you're doing to yourself, I love you and I know this whole thing is hard for you and I hate to tell you this but you're killing yourself, you aren't healthy and I hate seeing you like this" she said and I sighed placing my head in my hands.

"The last time I saw her before this we argued, she was so mad at me" I said and she rubbed my back.

"Iris cares about you Xander, she cares about you so much so please don't beat yourself up" she says and I looked at her with watery eyes.

"I love her Harper, so fucking much" I say with pleading eyes and she smiles at me

"I'm sure she loves you as well" she says sitting on the arm of my chair

"she needs to wake up, I'm going crazy I can't eat I can't sleep, I can barely breathe, I just want her awake and in my arms" I cried and she leaned over to hug me and I buried my face in her stomach while I cried.

"Xander please go take a shower and get something to eat, even if it's just a piece of toast and if it's not for me do it for Iris, she would hate to see you like this and we all know it" she says and I nod my head in understanding. Iris would basically slap me for letting myself go like this, the thought alone made me smile.

"Okay, I'll be right back and I have my ringer on I don't care if I'm in the shower call me if anything happens, and I mean literally anything Harper" I said and she chuckled

"I promise Xandy, now go" she says hitting my back lightly making me get up out of the chair, I kissed Iris' hand before heading up to one of the pack houses bathroom, I haven't been home at all either, I'm gonna be in big shit with dad when I get home since I've been ignoring every text and call that I get from him, Harper has been staying in the pack house with me so both of us are gonna be in deep shit.

After my shower I changed into black skinny jeans and a white wife beater with my black and white vans, I went down into the Kitchen to get something to eat, I grabbed an apple since I wasn't really that hungry even though I haven't been eating a lot lately, I headed back to Iris' room and Harper was standing next to her bed talking to someone on the phone.

"yes I'll bring you the ice cream but I'm not bringing you a bottle of vodka" she said before pausing and listening to whoever was on the other end, I leaned in the doorway chewing on my apple slowly.

"fine I'll bring wine coolers, and yes I'll make sure the ice cream has some type of chocolate" she says with a sigh

"yup I'll see you in fifteen" she said before hanging up the phone and groaning before her eyes landed on me and she jumped placing a hand on her chest.

"Jesus you scared me shit head" she said and I laughed

"whoops, so who was that?" I asked curiously and she rolled her eyes

"take a guess" she said and I thought for a second before coming to the realization that I knew exactly who it was.

"Quinn?" I asked and she nodded

"Yup, she's been a wreck since her and Chase broke up" she said and I nodded in understanding, Chase broke up with Quinn about two weeks ago and she was devastated, although I'm pretty sure we all saw it coming including Quinn.

"Understandable since they were together for four years" I said 

"yeah so now she has me meeting her at her house with sweets and alcohol so she can cry while watching sad romance movies and eating ice cream and getting  drunk off her ass" she said and I laughed

"It's not funny, Sophia is gonna grab the ice cream while I go get the alcohol" she says and I nod

"I'll see ya later Xandy" Harper says kissing my cheek and I smile at her

"see ya Harp" I say back before she walks out of the room leaving me alone with my mate, I walk over to her sleeping body with a small smile.

"I'll be right back baby I left my charger in the kitchen" I said leaning down and kissing her forehead.

I walked out of the room and towards the kitchen, the first week of staying here I didn't know where anything was I was getting lost every ten steps, but now I know this place like the back of hand, which is a good thing since I'm going to be Alpha one day.

I entered the kitchen and saw chase holding Kris by her hips and he whispered something in her ear making her blush, I eyed them curiously before Kris spotted me pushing Chase away, Chase turned around and looked at me and his eyes widened.

"oh hey Xander, I was just asking Chase if he wanted breakfast, would you like some as well?" she asked awkwardly as I walked towards them.

"um no I just came to grab my charger" I said and Chase shifted on his feet, something is definitely going on.

"oh okay, you sure you don't want something to eat? I can make you scrambled eggs" Kris said and I shook my head as I grabbed my charger off the counter.

"no thank you, I have to get back to Iris now, she's in the room alone" I said and she nodded her head walking over to the fridge as I left the kitchen.

I walked into Iris' room closing the door behind me, I plugged my phone in and sat next to Iris grabbing her hand gently, I laid my head on her hand that was engulfed in mine.

"Please baby wake up, I can't do this without you, you're my everything, you been out for so long Iris, please I want you, no I need you to wake up, I love you so much Iris" I said with teary eyes, I felt Iris' hand twitch under in mine and my head shot up to look at her and her eyes were open the slightest bit giving me a chance to have a glimpse at those beautiful ocean blue eyes that I missed, she had a small smile on her face as she looked at me, she then spoke in a raspy tone.

"I love you too Xander" 


*not edited*

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