Part 49

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The living room was filled with happy chattering and laughter

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The living room was filled with happy chattering and laughter. It was completely different to the gloomy atmosphere outside as it was pouring, an occasional thunder sounding.

A majority of the members of NCT had gathered and were just having a good time, celebrating the beginning of the weekend together. The bunch had actually grown quite close over the time they spent together and seemed just like a family.

Yet the great mood was interrupted as 2 female voices echoed from the hallway and soon entered the living room. Everyone ushered down, seeing how serious the girls looked whilst exchanging tense words.

"I said I didn't do it."

"How can I even be sure anymore, Haeun?"

NCT's leader had been in a terrible state the entire week: pale face, bloodshot eyes and dark eye bags. Although every sensed that there was something wrong, they just dismissed as the gang business getting to her.

Yet the twins arguing was a rare sight and immediately sent the entire room on edge.

"I said I didn't kill anyone!" Haeun yelled out, fists clenching at her side as she stomped to a halt. Naeun who seemed equally frustrated also stopped in front of her sister.

"No one you say? Then what about Ryuwon? How come she's in a coffin?" She said through gritted teeth.

"Naeun!" Taeyong yelled out as he immediately got to his feet. His words were full of anger and shock as he watched the 2.

Naeun immediately realized what she had said as she watched her twin's face slowly fall into an unreadable glare. Tears pooled at Haeun's eyes, her fists clenching to the point where her knuckles were a ghostly shade of white.

"Oh my god, Haeun, I didn't mean-" Naeun spoke with unusual regret and desperation in her tone, yet her sister had already stormed off.

The room fell into a slight shock as they all stared at the archway in which Haeun had just disappeared at.

Taeyong closed his eyes, his hand going through his hair in pure frustration.

"Naeun, what in the fucking hell?!"

The young girl exhaled sharply. "It just kind of slipped."

"Slipped?" Taeyong growled. "She was just getting better from it! How could you let it 'slip'?!"

"Could someone explain what's going on." Jaehyun spoke up from where he sat at the couch and all eyes turned towards the second in command.

He and Naeun looked towards each other and she gave him a faint nod and he sighed.

"Since we all need to know each other for the sake of the trust between the gang..." He began, highly hesitant as he avoided anyone's gaze.

"Haeun had a childhood best friend called Ryuwon. They grew up together and had an extremely strong relationship. Because of the power they both possessed, Haeun being the heiress of a gang and rich family while Ryuwon being a strong fighter herself, they went down... the wrong path. Their strength messed with their heads a little too much."

Taeyong took a deep breath.

"They bullied quite a few people during their elementary and beginning of middle school years."

Everyone gawked. No one had expected the sweet, caring girl to have such a history.

"One time they went a little too far with a certain girl. They pushed her to attempt to commit suicide. And although the girl survived, her brother was furious."

Taeyong closed his eyes.

"A few days afterwards, Ryuwon was kidnapped and brutally tortured. They had written words all over her skin using knives, had burnt her in numerous places and she had been raped countless of times by the brother and his friends in the span of just a few hours."

The boy's stomach churned. "Haeun had been a little too late, thinking the texts she had received earlier to have been just a joke. But when she finally got to the scene of the crime... she witnessed her best friends last breath in a room splattered in her own blood."

There was a piercing silence as the story began sinking in for everyone in the room.

"What... what happened to those guys?" Sicheng spoke up.

"Well, they would've been in prison for life, but..." Taeyong hesitated again.


"They're all still in comas from how Haeun almost killed them all that night. There's barely any chance of them waking up." The second in command shook his head with a sigh. "As you would expect, this took a huge toll on Haeun's mental health. She created a coping mechanism which was extremely toxic. She was cold, barely spoke and refused to do anything, even eating. This led to her begin doing all kinds of harmful things to herself."

Taeyong bit his tongue and Naeun took it as a que to take over.

"It was the same time as when our parents were getting divorced. Haeun had decided to come to Seoul with our mom. Around that time, we believe that the coping mechanism and her personality before the trauma... separated. At first, the other... thing in Haeun's head served as a voice which helped her with deciding and coping with her misfortunes and traumas. She held onto all the terrible memories, leaving Haeun with only the amount she could manage. And the voice was rather quiet over the years and my sister slowly began healing and getting back on her feet."

Naeun glanced over towards her elder brother before continuing.

"But lately, that voice has developed into it's own personality. Not only is it only at the back of Haeun's head, it also possesses her body sometimes instead of her. It can sometimes be extremely obvious who is in charge at certain times. That other personality even has developed a name."

"What is it?" Lucas was the one to ask.

Naeun's expression fell into an even more gloomy one.

"It's Ryuwon."


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Wow... this was a lot.

And it explains the 'original Ryuwon'

I'm sorry for forcing you to read so much backstory 😣

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