Chapter 18

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· Merri ·

By the time my mother and brother finally leave, I'm exhausted. I would like nothing better than to just go to bed, forget the whole thing until tomorrow. Sophie is madder at me than I can remembered her ever being before, but the disappointment I'd seen in her eyes had been so much worse. I have never wanted to disappoint any of them. My foster family's approval is all that has ever really held any true meaning for me.

I sit on the back steps, looking out over the hills behind my house, watching a cloud's shadow play hopscotch across the fields in the distance. When the door opens behind me, I don't turn around, just scoot over for Jace to sit next to me. When he does, the close space between us is soothing to my frayed nerves.

After a long time, he speaks.

"Well, that certainly made for an interesting afternoon."

I cut him a sideward glance and grimace at the joviality of his smile. I shake my head then look back out across the far landscape.

"You may have found all of that amusing, but it was hell for me."

He leans over and gently bumps my arm with his, and I have to fight to hold my scowl in place.

"The good thing about family is that eventually they have to forgive you. It's an unwritten law."

I do smile a little then, but the gesture is more sad than amused.

"In my experience, it can go either way--family can go to their grave holding tight to a grudge, or they can forgive you wholeheartedly and life goes along just as before. I'm just not sure which way the winds will blow for me this time."

"Hey," Jace says softly.

I tense when his fingers find my chin but I don't pull away, instead letting him gently turn my face toward his. I meet his gaze, and in it I find a soft smile and the bright light of understanding.

Our faces are close enough for me to feel his warm breath on my cheeks. Though I normally would balk at such closeness, with Jace I find I don't mind. He feels safe.

"They'll forgive you. In fact, Daryl isn't mad at you at all. I think he's kind of in awe of you right now, actually." His smile broadens with his revelation.



I search his eyes for a lie, and after not finding one I allow myself to relax a little, letting my smile brighten just a bit too.

"Your mom will come around eventually. She might be upset, but she loves you. If she didn't she wouldn't care the way she does. Love ultimately trumps any other emotion. She may never like the thought of your having a tattoo, but she'll get over the shock of your getting it. Just give her a little time to get used to the idea."

"But she hates it."

"When we're finished, you never know ... she just might surprise you. Could be she'll love it almost as much as you."

I gaze into his eyes, searching for something aside from the sincerity with which he speaks. But there is no hint of patronization or otherwise, just an honest solemnity and his familiar warm smile.

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