Chapter 29

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· Merri ·

(Earlier that day...)

Katie has both brushed and braided my hair, and now I am in my room getting ready for our day out. I slip into a clean top and jeans, then pull on my tennis shoes in preparation for the walking I know is in store for us today. I don't particularly relish the thought of traipsing around the mall--with all the people, the noise, and the smells that are so foreign to me--but I am looking forward to the additional time spent with Katie.

Like her brother, she makes me feel better about myself for a time, and though that brings with it its own sense of guilt to compound what I already feel, I try not to let it sour my mood.

It seems to make them happy, seeing me happy. And if this is what it takes to make them smile I will do it, no matter how I feel about it later. Soon enough it won't matter anyway--all of this will be someone else's memory. Far be it from me to make it an unpleasant one. A myriad of thoughts still running through my mind, I join Katie in the living room, where she is lounging on the massage table and staring at the ceiling.

"You know, I've never let Jace give me a tattoo," Katie muses as I enter the room. "I'm a bit of a coward where pain is concerned."

"It's really not all that bad," I say as I move to stand next to her. "The process is painful, and the two days afterward are uncomfortable. The worst part is the terrible itch of its healing."

Katie turns her head to look at me, the light of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"You don't have to lie to me to be my friend," she laughs. "I've been with Kyle a few times, and judging by the stuff that comes out of his mouth while Jace is working on him, I'd say you're downplaying it quite a bit."

I laugh a little at that and turn away. "I guess it just comes to mind over matter: if it matters, you don't really mind."

"I know how important this is to you, Merri," Katie says softly after a pause, rising from the table as she speaks. I can feel her gaze on me but I don't turn around, instead looking out the window to the bright day waiting for us. "Jace knows, too. That's why he worries about it so much."

"He worries? Why?" I turn to Katie as I speak.

"Because he's terrified what he's doing won't be good enough. He wants it to be perfect."

Katie's smile has faded and been replaced by a look of concern, and a seriousness that gives me pause. I hadn't known Jace was afraid his work wouldn't be good enough, but Katie's light frown is proof of her honest assessment. I have seen what he's done so far, and it is turning out even better than I could have hoped for. He is a gifted artist, truly, and the masterpiece he is creating is exceptional.

Have I told him that? No, I don't think I have.

"He is very talented," I finally say, dropping my gaze to his chair. "I could not be more pleased than I am with what he's doing for me."

"Maybe you should tell him that," Katie says, slipping off the table then laying a gentle hand on my shoulder. "He's always doubted himself in nearly everything he does. It's one of his biggest flaws. Strong as he seems to be, he's one of us. He needs reassurance every now and then, and to be told that he is enough."

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