Chapter 30

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· Jace ·

"May I kiss you, Jace?" she asks, her mesmerizing eyes trapping my gaze.


As she leans closer, I hold my breath and will my hands to remain where they are. I can see in her eyes not only her hesitation but also apprehension, and I'm not about to do something that might frighten her away from this moment. I want it too much. When she's but a breath away, I close my eyes and wait for her lips to touch mine. When they do, my heart twists in my chest and I inhale deeply to calm it.

But it's no use--nothing about this moment will allow for that. The tenderness behind her gentle caress touches me deeper than any passionate kiss ever could, as if she's exploring this sensation for the very first time and allowing me the honor of experiencing it with her. When she pulls away and I open my eyes to look at her, the blush on her cheeks speaks the same thing. There is a warmth to her gaze too, as if what just happened has affected her as deeply as it has me.

Lifting my hand, I gently brush my fingers along her cheekbone and smile at her.

"Did your experiment go as well as you expected?"

"No," she says, returning my smile. "It far exceeded my expectations."

I laugh a little at that, my smile broadening. "Maybe we should run the test again, make sure the data is conclusive."

Her smile widens at the suggestion but she merely shakes her head as she answers. "Perhaps another time."

Though I'd hoped she'd say yes, I'm not going to complain about her gentle refusal. It's not a no exactly, and I will satisfy myself with that.

"Can't blame a guy for trying," I say with a grin.

This draws from her a light laugh, and I join her then take her hand and lift it to my lips. I kiss it tenderly then let it go and her flush deepens. All thoughts of the promise I'd made to Dalton just a few hours ago are tossed to the wayside, and I feel absolutely no guilt over that.

"Jace," Merri finally says, her embarrassment melting into something else entirely.

"Yeah?" Whatever is on her mind it's no longer our brief kiss, and I try to prepare myself for anything.

"Where does one go to parachute from an airplane?"

I can't help but laugh. Though I know the origin of her question is Joey's list, I still can't help but be amused by her mind immediately shifting to that. She's like a rogue tornado, jumping from thought to thought and completely destroying any notions I might be building that I understand her.

"I'm not sure, but I can probably find out."


The following morning, as I ready myself for work, I think about everything that happened yesterday. Even now I have trouble wrapping my head around it all. From Dalton to Byron, and then to Merri, it was an eventful day I don't ever care to repeat, with the exception of the last portion of it. I smile as I think about that.

I reach down to pick up my clothes where I'd left them last night but stop just shy of picking them up. Hadn't one of Joey's tasks been to leave them where they lay? I can't remember what number that was, but I feel sure that was on the list. I make a mental note to ask Merri, depending on her mood this morning.

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