Chapter 35

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· Merri ·

"I was just about to give you a call," Byron says after opening the door to find me on the other side. His smile falters when I don't smile back. "What's up, Merri? You don't look so good."

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah. Come on in, Mamma's in the kitchen making--"

"No, Byron. I meant, can we talk alone?"

"That why you sent me a text?" I nod slowly and he frowns at me, then looks over his shoulder before turning back. "Give me just a minute. I'm guessing you don't want anyone else to know you're here?"

I nod my head and his frown deepens. He holds a finger up, then backs through the door and closes it softly behind himself. I sit down on the steps, twisting and untwisting a strand of hair around my finger as I stare at my car.

I'd slipped from the house before Jace had awakened, and I hope he is sleeping still. I know he will worry if he wakes to find me gone, especially after what happened between us last night. I'd left a note for him in the kitchen, but I don't know if that will help to ease his mind.

If at all possible, I hope to be back before he gets up. There are things we need to talk about, but I want to talk to Byron first. He is one of the few people who know about my life before this one, all the sordid details that brought me here, to become his all but adopted sister. I'd had a few conversations with him growing up that I'd had with no one else. He is older than me and has always been kind, never having judged me once for being the way I am.

I trust him, which says a lot about his character as a person, as I have rarely trusted anyone. If I could love any of them, he would be right at the top of the list next to Sophie. We haven't talked like that in a very long time, not that I don't know he'll always be there for me if I need him. We have just both grown up, and I have learned how to cope on my own. But today I need him desperately.

I have no one else I can talk to about all the thoughts whirling around in my mind, and I can't sort through the confusion on my own. My mind just isn't built for that sort of thing. When things don't make sense, it's like trying to run a computer program whose binary code has been altered--it either won't work properly or it crashes. Last night it glitched--today, it won't work at all.

When Byron finally steps back out onto the porch, he helps me up, then slings an arm around my shoulders.

"So where to, Poppins?" he asks as we walk to my car.

"Anywhere but here." We climb into my car and for a moment I just sit there, not sure where to go.

"I'm feeling like bacon, eggs, and toast. And the strongest coffee on the menu," Byron finally supplies.

I nod numbly then crank the engine and pull off. Shortly after, we are at the local diner downtown. We find a booth near the back and away from the majority of the breakfast crowd, where we can talk in relative privacy. After placing our orders with the waitress, Byron finally levels his gaze on me and lifts one brow.

"So what's going on?"

I pick up my water glass and as I lift it to take a sip, my hand shakes. I set it back down then lace my fingers together in my lap and squeeze them tightly together. I take a deep breath then look back at my brother.

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