Chapter 5

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(Time skip: Next morning)

Victoria's P.O.V

The next morning when I woke up Andrew finally returned to his room. I thought he would say something cocky about how I looked or tease me like usual but he just handed me a piece of bread to eat. He didn't even try to feed me, just making sure that I could hold the bread then went back to his desk. No words were said, no eye contact was made, and the awkwardness became so thick in the air you could slice through it.

I felt like I did something wrong, maybe I reacted wrong yesterday? Maybe he was embarrassed for what he did? I wanted nothing more then to have his hands on me again but the feeling confused me, I barely knew this man and he took me hostage. But the desire and need I felt towards him blew out any sense of logic that I had.

My eyes continued to look over at Andrew as I nibbled on my bread, trying quietly but desperately to have Andrew look over at me. He was too busy though forcing his gaze down in his leather notebook just so he couldn't look at me. Hours had passed and eventually he got up and left the room, not coming back for a long time.

I wondered what he was doing, probably working around the ship along side his crew just so he wouldn't come back into the room with me. I also wondered what he was thinking, was he ashamed? Was he just embarrassed for having feelings towards me when he plan was just to use me to get money from my mother?

Then my mind started wander to what mother and Adrain were doing right now as well. Were they worried about me? Mother would probably send out guards to search for me but I don't know what Adrain would do. He was supposed to be my fiancé so I could imagine him being at least slightly worried but I didn't know for sure.

When it became night the loud cheers and singing came from the deck, clearly signaling that Andrew and his crew were having a grand time. I just tried to sleep since I didn't have anything else to do but the door suddenly slammed open. Andrew came into the room, stumbling slightly with a half bottle of whisky in his hand. He didn't seem quite drunk but defiantly a little tipsy since he was stumbling over his feet.

We made eye contact with each other for the first time in what felt like forever. He took a swig from his bottle before roughly setting it onto his desk then he made is way towards me and started undoing to ropes.

"Who dared to tie up such a pretty young maiden?" Andrew said like he didn't remember doing this to me himself, his speech also a little slurred.

"You did?" I say, confused.

The rope fell against the floor, "How dare I?"

Once the rope was gone I sighed out in relief to be able to stand up and stretch my aching muscles.

"You won't try to leave right?"

I looked back at Andrew, his question sounding more like a plea rather then an order. His tone of voice was soft as if he was a child then his normal teasing voice.

I found myself shaking my head at him, causing him to smile widely. I didn't have a plan to escape, not that I could really go anywhere in the first place. I could easily escape now due to his vulnerable state but for whatever reason I chose to stay. I watched as Andrew made his way back to his desk, leaning against it as he took another drink from his bottle.

"I like you Victoria." He suddenly admitted.

My body completely froze at his words and my face instantly heated. Every nerve in my body went on overdrive as I listened to his drunken state telling me how he really felt.


He set the bottle down and stared right at me, "I really like you."

I cleared my throat and swallowed my nervousness, "But yesterday you just left..."

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