Chapter 9

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(Time skip: Later the same night)

Victoria's P.O.V

Slowly my heavy eyelids flutter opened as I regained consciousness. There was cool and damp wash cloth being pressed to my forehead gently, settling my heating skin. I shook my head slowly back and forth and pushed myself to sit up, seeing that I was still in my bedroom that I was given in Adrain's house.

"Careful." My mother quietly scolded me, "You suddenly passed out."

Her hands softly pressed against my shoulders and pushed me back until I was laying against the fluffy pillows again.

"You've gotten weaker since you were kidnapped. Where did you go?" She asked, turning back to dip the rag into a small bowl of water and place it back to my skin.

"I told you, I was kidnapped by pirates down by the harbor."

She lowered her arms into her lap, looking at me in an angry disappointment, "After you ran away from your engagement party?"

"Because I don't want to marry Adrain."

"Of course you don't because you are selfish. We are drowning in debt and I am doing everything I can to keep us from drowning further and you try to escape? Leaving me to deal with the problem?"

"No, mom I-" I waved my hands in protest but she was already deep in her anger.

She held up her hand to interrupt me, "I don't want to hear it."

I pushed myself up again and reached my hand out to touch her shoulder to try and reason with her, "Mother? Why do you care so much about getting us out of debt? Why do you want me to marry Adrain so badly?"

She scoffed, "Because, marrying him will get us out of debt and we can keep living our lives like this. Then we won't loose all of this."

"But having all of this money doesn't matter. We could sell all of our stuff, live in a small house in town-"

"And live like those peasants?" She chuckled humorously, "Absolutely not. You will marry Adrain and everything will be fine."

Annoyed with hearing Adrain's name I crossed my arms, "What if I fell in love with someone else?"

She became ridged and narrowed her eyes at me, "You haven't fallen for the man who kidnapped you, have you?"


She quickly returned her posture, "Good. Because you will marry Adrain and our lives will continue like always, maybe even be better."

Realizing there was no way to convince my mother out of anything I laid back down on the bed, "Where is Adrain anyway?"

"He is off dealing with a pressing matter. He will be back later tonight."

After laying in bed for a little longer I was able to find enough strength to get up again. I was given some food to eat then went straight back to bed to sleep on a soft surface for the night.

(Time skip: Next morning)

The next morning when I woke up I was disappointed to see the soft covers of my bed and the cream colored walls that left a bland taste in the room. It was disappointing to know that when I got up I wouldn't be in some different country but only in the same mansion I felt like I have been living in for years at this point. But I got up anyway, dressing up in a pale pink dress, and doing my hair to please mother. My necklace as still around my neck, the leather rope standing out much more then the old silver chain but I didn't care. It reminded me of Andrew.

At breakfast nothing was different, the same old boring chatter and boring food. I poked at my food missing the simple bread in the morning and even though I hated Andrew's constant teasing, I found myself craving for someone to bicker with.

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