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If you are reading this then you have made it to the end of my book. Congratulations! No but seriously, thank you for reading my book and I hope it was to your satisfaction. This chapter is just basically some bonus thoughts about the book while I was writing it and stuff so read this if you like.

-This book is the second shortest book on my Wattpad with only 9 chapters. It does have really long chapters though, at least 2,000 to 4,000 words in each chapter which I am proud of but there are only 9 chapters. After I had finished writing this and split it up into chapters after it was surprising to see that there was only 9. But whatever.

-Kind of the main reason why I wrote this story was because I feel like there just aren't a whole lot of pirate stories. I know that there is Pirates of the Caribbean but other then that I don't see a lot of book that are about pirates. So I just figured why not write one?

-I did get this idea for this story from Pirates of the Caribbean. Now I have only seen the bits and pieces of the first movie but when my family when to go see one of the newer ones in the theater I was just so excited by the idea of writing a love story with pirates. I did try to make sure I wasn't taking ideas directly from the movies but since I haven't watched any of them in forever that wasn't really a problem to begin with.

-When I originally wrote this story Andrew actually had a curse to the sea. So basically he could only be allowed on his ship or in the sea water but if he or his crew were on land they would get slowly weaker until they died. But then I think it sounded a lot like the curse that was mentioned in Pirates of the Caribbean so I decided not to add it in. Then years later when I came back to finish the story and turn it into this I went ahead and added the curse to Andrew but then took it away again because I thought it would have been to strange to add in and there was a lot of things that just didn't work with him having the curse. So in the end, as you can see in the story, Andrew does not have any curse on him.

-I started writing this story I think when I was in junior high or starting in high school. It was a really long time ago when I started this because I found one of the scenes I have used in this story written down in a notebook (which is where I write random story scenes and such) and I found some writing samples that I found on my phone that I wrote years ago.

-As I have mentioned I made created this story years and years ago. Probably only like 3 years ago but it felt like forever ago. So when I actually started writing more and posting my books on Wattpad I came back to this story because I wanted so badly to turn this into a good and readable book for you lovely people to enjoy. So when I FINALLY completed and edited it I WAS SO HAPPY. I felt extremely accomplished that I proceeded to jump in the air like an idiot and do a happy dance.

-Despite being proud of finishing this story I still feel like it's missing something. Like yes, I could have added more scenes between Andrew and Victoria but I didn't know what I should do. You can't really do a whole lot on a ship without the story becoming repetitive so I didn't try to add in more moments between the two. I may or may not come back to this later to add in some more things but whatever. I am happy with how it came out overall.

-ALSO! I am completely aware that Victoria and Andrew only fell in love within a couple of days. I thought it was really strange myself but I didn't know how to add in more scenes without the story just dragging on and on. But I also remembered that in Romeo and Juliet that Shakespeare originally wrote those two literally met for the first time, fell in love with each other, and killed themselves for each other within the span of 24 hours. So I decided that just screw it, Andrew and Victoria fell in love within a couple of days.

Now here are the practice writings I used to create this story when I was first writing it.

WARNING: These are just random scenes I was writing out to test out the story line, figure out the characters, and so on. So I wrote this years ago so it is very poorly written! The settings in each scene are not described well so I am sorry if you get confused while reading these.

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