Chapter 7

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(Time skip: Night time)

Victoria's P.O.V

When the sky had grown darker and the full, bright moon raised into the sky Andrew sailed in the direction of the star directly under the moon when it was at its highest point. The light from the full moon shined down on us as the cool sea breeze passed by. I sat on the small set of stairs that connected the deck to the ship's wheel, crossing my arms tightly around me as I stared at the stars in jealousy.

"You are awfully quiet." Andrew commented.

"It's nothing." I mumbled.

"It doesn't seem like nothing. What's wrong?"

I continued to stay silent, giving Andrew the chance to think of all of the possibilities why I was giving him the cold shoulder. Then he chuckled as he finally came up with the conclusion why I was acting distant.

"Oh, I see." I could hear the smirk on his lips, "Are you jealous because that mermaid kissed me?"

"I am absolutely not jealous!" I stuck my chin up in the air.

"That is what a jealous person would say."

I looked towards him, desperately wishing to burn him with my glare, "What does it matter? It seemed like you enjoyed it and it wasn't like you told someone else you loved them."

"Mermaids are very playful and mischievous, I wasn't expecting her to kiss me."

I looked away from him again, "It doesn't matter."

"Victoria, come over here."

I only scoffed at the order, stating right where I was on the steps to disobey him. After a moment I my eyes flickered over my shoulder towards him, his arm raised in the air so he could reach his hand out towards me. Sighing I pushed myself off of the soggy wooden step and walked towards him. As soon as I was within his reach he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

My body was turned around so that I was facing the wheel, Andrew's chest pressed against my back. His warmth enveloped me as his heard beat against my back. Since my hair was pulled up into a braided bun he had easy access nuzzle against my skin, fanning his breath over it which sent tingles fluttering all over me.

"When I said I loved you I meant it." He whispered into my neck.

"T-then why...w-why did you kiss her?"

I could feel his lips curling into a smile against my skin, laughing lightly which sent vibrations through it. He knew his charm was working on me causing me to loose my snappy voice and allow his hands to run over me.

"She kissed me." He answered, pressing his lips to my neck, "But all I could think about was your lips on mine, you kissing me instead of her."

His hand trailed up the side of my waist then rested it against my chin to turn my head towards him so our lips met. This kiss was softer then before but still spoke in a million emotions like we were trying to savor the feeling as taste of each other. All I could do was hold onto him like he would leave if I let go.

"I love you." He whispered against my lips, leaning forward to give me another kiss.

I pulled away enough just to answer, "I love you too."

Everything in the world melted away, Andrew and I the only ones in the entire world as we continued to sail across the sea. We were lost in our moments, in our touches, and wanting nothing more then to be close to each other.

(Time skip: The next morning)

Sleeping peacefully on the ground I could feel the warmth of new sunlight and a shaking at my shoulder. I only moaned in response, not wanting to wake up just yet but the shaking continued. So I opened my eyes to see that my head was resting on top of Andrew's foot, his hand shaking my shoulder as he turned the wheel slightly to steer the ship.

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