Chapter 6

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(Time skip: A few hours later)

Victoria's P.O.V

My wrists were once again tied together around another pole so that I had no chance of running away while two men kept their eyes on me, their swords pointed close to me so I would feel threatened. I thought of anything I could possibly do but I was outnumbered greatly no matter what. Captain Williams ordered his crew to dump the bodies of Andrew's men over the side as we continued sailing, leaving dark stains behind on the wood. Andrew was also tied at the other end of the deck, the two of us making eye contact with each other, it was like a reminder that Willams has won.

I began to silently weep to myself, blaming myself for how selfish I had been. If I have never ran away then my mom wouldn't have to be worried sick wondering if I was even still alive and Andrew would still be sailing the seas without a care in the world. Was this all really worth it just because I didn't want to be tied down by being forced to marry a stranger? That I didn't want my greatest desire to travel to be taken away from me? No, none of this was worth running away.

Then my mind started wandering to my grandmother, remembering how she always used to tell me the story of the Wishing Stone. Did she always tell it to me because one day she was going to pass the key onto me? I remembered the way she always commented on my bright personality, being the complete opposite of mother. It was then that I had realized she had saved giving her sacred necklace to me to protect next because mother wasn't trusted to keep it, considering how many times she yelled at grandma for telling me silly stories. But now it was falling apart, I was ignorant by the power of the necklace which lead me blindly into this situation.

Eventually after hours of sailing the ship made it to a cave that was stranded out in the sea. My heart began to pound out of my chest as the fear bubbled up in my system. The ship was pulled up to the mouth of the cave, Captain Williams stomping his way over to me to untie the ropes bounding my wrists. I was roughly pulled up to my feet, being shoved in a direction with a sword threatening to dig into my back.

"Walk." Williams ordered.

There was a strong urge within to snap back at him but considering what kind of a situation I was in it wouldn't be the smartest move, so I just did what he said to avoid angering him or his men any further. As I walked to the edge of the ship where a wide plank was set down to create a ramp Andrew was also forced to his feet, his arms being twisted behind his back with ropes as he was pushed in the same direction as me. I paused at the edge of the ship, wanting nothing more then to rush to Andrew to help him but Williams noticed my pause.

"Walk!" He ordered again, pressing the blade of his sword sharply into my back.

I hurried and walked forward so that the sword would not dig into my spine and continued down the plank to the cave. The mouth of the cave was wide and open, a little tide pool in the front were the salt water licked at the rock that served as a floor for the cave. I was pushed inside to the back of the cave as his some of his crew and Andrew followed behind us.

"Okay." Williams said as he and I were at the back of the cave, "Now show me where the Wishing Stone is."

"What..." I shook my head in confusion as I looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean! All of the legends state that the Wishing Stone was hidden inside of a cave out in the ocean and can only be revealed with the key."

"No." I say, remembering the stories I was told, "The Wishing Stone is not here."

"What? Where is it then?"

"It is..." My eyes trailed over to Andrew who silently told me to lie, "I don't know."

Williams followed my eye movements, growling as he held up his sword to my throat, "You know exactly where it is."

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