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Sagacity's POV
"It's fine, mom. Let him be the hypocrite he is. He had no problem getting you pregnant when you were 19, but now that something similar has happened to me, he acts as if it is the end of the world. If he wants me out, I'll leave," I said. "Just give me time to pack my shit."

My father shook his head, "Nope, my money paid for that too. You leave here with nothing other than what you already have on."

"Sagacity, sit down. Your father is being ridiculous," Mom said in my defense.

Grandma agreed, "Sage is right, Nickolas. You're being irrational. Where will Sagacity go?"

"Damien has a place for himself. They can live there," Dad shrugged. He coldly stared into my eyes while adding, "Quite frankly, I don't care."

Damien nodded, "Okay. She'll live with me then."

Dad nodded, "Good. You can forget about coming to work ever again too."

Damien shrugged, "Okay." I took my phone out of my back pocket and placed it on the table before Damien and I connected hands. Damien looked to my grandmother and mother and said, "Goodnight," before walking over to Nico and dapping him. He then dapped Zach and Justin before giving Aria and Natalie hugs. I then hugged all of them before telling my mother and grandmother goodbye.

Nico stood from his chair and sighed as he took his phone out of his pants and placed it on the table as well before kissing mom and grandma. "Sorry, mom, but if Sa gotta go, so do I," he sighed as he looked to Damien and me and offered a light smile

"Nobody's leaving," Mom shook her head while standing.

Dad disagreed, "Yes they are, and if Nickolai wants to go, he can. He obviously condones the bullshit too."

The rest of the gang stood from the table, and we all walked out, leaving my mother and grandmother to argue with my dad. I couldn't say that Damien and I weren't expecting things to go this way. We had already talked about and planned for this reaction, but a part of me still couldn't believe my father was that cold.

Three hours later
I stared at Damien, who seemed to be fast asleep. I smiled to myself at how cute he looked with his lips a bit pursed and eyebrows a bit furrowed. I wondered what he was dreaming about. Hopefully it wasn't tonight.

I turned on my back and stared at the ceiling as I thought about the predicament I was in. Even though I knew Damien would try his best to support his child, I didn't want to financially burden his pockets. He had recently started working again, and even though the pay was great, he no longer had that job. I was pretty much useless and would have to get a job too, and I knew he wouldn't want me to. I was sure he wouldn't want to ask Rico for help either. At the same time, I knew my mother and grandmother would try to help me if I kept the baby, but I didn't want to burden them either or cause them to get in further arguments with my dad. Maybe he'd come around or maybe he would just continue hating me.

I sniffled as I felt a tear run down my cheek. There was once a time when my dad and I were so close and happy. I could tell him anything, and he'd be there for me. Now, he just saw me as an unruly brat. Until recently, I never met the cold side of him I heard whispers on the street about. I never actually thought that I would. I thought that being his daughter gave me the privilege of never meeting that side of him, but I was wrong. I was so wrong!

I sniffled once more before hearing groaning coming from Damien, so I turned my attention to him. He mumbled something again while balling his hands into a fist. A bit scared, I called out, "Damien?" As expected, he didn't respond, but I could tell that whatever he was dreaming of had him upset. Surprising me, Damien began sniffling as a tear rolled down his cheek, and he jumped out of his sleep and looked around before noticing me staring at him with the most confused look I could conjure up. "Are you okay?"

He stared at the covers and shook his head while saying, "Don't worry bout me. I'll be fine. Just had a bad dream."

"Do...you want to talk about it?" I asked and he shook his head.

He then looked at me and frowned as he wiped my tears away. "Are you okay?" he asked softly as he stared at me with sympathy.

I shook my head before declaring, "I'll be fine too."

"You sure, babe?" he asked, and I nodded before climbing off the bed.

"Um...I...I think I wanna have the abortion," I said while staring at the rug, too afraid to look at Damien. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but I was afraid that my decision would hurt him and didn't want to see that look on him.

Damien climbed off the bed as well and cupped my chin before nodding, "Okay. I'll drive you to the clinic whenever you wanna go."

"Can we leave in the morning at like 9?" I asked, and he offered a light smile while nodding. "And...you're not upset or hurt?"

Damien frowned, "I told you that I'd be content with whatever decision you'd make. We can have a family when the time is right. If it isn't now, it isn't now."

I sniffled, "I just still feel bad. I feel like I keep hurting you."

Damien shook his head, "You haven't hurt me, City."

"Yeah right," I huffed. "First I started talking to another dude and then now I'm aborting our baby. I'd be pretty hurt."

"Well, I did tell you to move on," Damien shrugged. "Yeah, I was a bit hurt when I found out you were about to date someone else. I know you liked the other guy otherwise you wouldn't have given him the chance to talk to you. I was surprised you chose me, to be honest."

I frowned, "Why would you be surprised?"

Damien shrugged, "We hadn't seen each other in six months. I thought you lost feelings for me. I thought things would change between us."

I confessed, "I was actually surprised when you wanted to pick up where we left off because I thought you would have moved on. Ashton, the guy I liked, he reminded me of you in a few ways, and those few ways were the main reason I liked him. He asked if he was a substitute for you, and I said no because I believed that at first. He was, Damien. I couldn't stop comparing him to you, and I felt guilty about that, but I only want you. I tried to get over you, but I couldn't. I don't think I ever want to."

Damien kissed my lips, and I blushed while widely smiling from the euphoric feeling it gave me. I could never get tired of that feeling. A kiss from Damien was always refreshing and enough to ease my mind.

"Me either," he widely smiled. "And stop beating yourself up about what happened between you and Ashton. I'm not harvesting any feelings over it. I'm actually glad you found a way to ease your mind while I was gone, but now I'm back, and I'm never leaving you again."

I sweetly smooched his lips before widely smiling, "I love you so much, Day!"

He smiled widely and smooched my lips before saying, "I love you more, Cit!"

"I love you most," I said in between smooches.

He chuckled, "I love you forever."

"And I love you always," I giggled before kissing him again.

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