Chapter 1~New beginnings

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I couldn't stop tossing and turning,wrinkling my Mickey mouse bed spread and pushing some books off my bed with my feet in the process.

I desperately hoped it hadn't roused my mom from her slumber. She desperately needed her shut eye time, her eye bags were becoming conspicuous.

I carefully tidied the books from the floor and set them atop one another at the foot of my bed. A practice I had started at age fourteen and couldn't seem to stop indulging in. I had originally kept books there during school assessments for swift and easy accessibility and pretty soon it had grown on me.

I hurried over to the curtains as soundlessly as i could. The skies were velvety, a brilliant aesthetic shade of light charcoal grey, signifying it wasn't morning yet.

I was looking forward to the morning and dreading it at the same time. Looking forward to it so I'd get the distress associated with starting a new school out of the way and dreading it because it'd come soon and I'd have to actually live through the moments.

I sat at the edge of my bed, legs crossed, left hand on my chin as I began to reflect deeply on the what if's as I was prone to do whenever I found myself in situations similar to this. What if they don't like me ? Nope, that isn't very plausible. I'm pretty, not being conceited or anything but it's true. I'm not the type of girl who'll pretend to be grotesque when she's clearly good-looking.

I was blessed with velvety eyelashes which framed my hazel brown eyes,a dainty nose and full coils of lush leaf brown hair that stopped a few inches below my shoulders, puffy cute cheeks, pouty heart shaped lips and what I'd been told is a pear shape figure. Looks aside, if I were to rate my personality, I'd give myself a solid seven.

What if I'm asked a question i don't know the answer to? What if unknowningly inhabit a seat that doesn't belong to and a scuffle ensues?. The what if's continued to play on and on in my head making me feel as though there were butterflies in my chest, the bad kind of butterflies.

I decided to do the only thing which calms me down considerably whenever I began to panic or worry excessively. I plugged in my headphone and scrolled through my songs. I opted for rihanna,Nicki minaj and cardi b as they're the perfect morale booster. Instantaneously the lyrics filled my head pushing out every other anxiety ridden thought and soon i began to feel the slightest pull of drowsiness. I languidly unplugged the headphones, shut my eyes tightly and drifted off into a lethargic state.

I arose with a yawn, tiredly scratching my eyes as i lazily picked myself up from bed. I blindly felt for my phone and checked the time. It was 7:30am i still had time, lots of time hopefully. I took a slow and thorough bath, picked my carefully ironed uniform, a white shirt and red skirt decorated with teal green and rouge red off the hanger, slipping into carefully so as not to ruffle it. I doused myself lightly with perfume, strapped my bag and walked out of my room.

My mom was already dressed in loose deep blue pants and a cream white long sleeved shirt. She surveyed me from head to toe and began to sniffle.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I tore you away from everything you're familiar with and here you are still putting up a brave, cheerful front."

I quickly pulled her into a hug.

"I'm genuinely glad mom. We've got so much to be thankful for. We got this nice house from uncle Hunter. It was really really nice of him to include us in his will." I rubbed her back in an up and down motion.

"The rent we were paying at Wilburn street was really taking a huge toll on you. Besides I don't miss our old home. I mean yes I do miss my friends a little but not that place, the environment was very unsafe. I'm much safer here. Don't cry" I wiped her tears with my palm.

"I can't even drive you to school, I don't own a car. Sometimes I wonder if I should have stayed with your dad. At least things would have been better for you. She replied beginning to full on cry.

I began to wonder how long she had been having these thoughts, recently ? Or for a long time. I had absolutely no clue.

"Mom, We'll be fine. Things will get better. I have a roof over my head, nice clothes, shoes,three square meal, a nice school and a beautiful mother. What's a stupid car ? Besides the walk will help me lose belly fat." I said in a feeble attempt to cheer her up.

"Oh honey, you don't need to cheer me up. Wilson just got promoted at his job. He's the manager now and maybe if I had put up with...."

I cut in immediately

"Mom, you deserve better than that cheating simpleton, I'm happy, I genuinely am. We'll be okay, I promise you."

"I hope so" she said wiping her face with an hankie and trying to put up a brave front with a weak smile

"I'll walk with you to the bus stop, the next bus will arrive in...

She checked her wrist watch briskly

"Ten minutes from now".

"Mom, go to work. I'll be fine, if you come with me you'll be late. I'm a big girl now, I'm seventeen. I'll be fine." I said reassuringly

"It's no bother, I'll just accompany you there and be on my way. It's the least I could do"

"Seriously, I'll go myself. You just spruce up your face with powder and be on your merry way, okay.
Byeee, I love you Mom."

I quickly rushed out before she could protest further.

As i shut the door behind my back I remembered that I hadn't collected money to ride the bus and for lunch. Oh shoot.

I quickly ran back in again.

"It's on the table" she called from the kitchen

"Thanks mom" I said quickly snatching the money and walking as briskly as I could. What's worse than starting a new school? Starting a new school late.

I decided to double check if everything in my backpack was complete. I didn't want to start lending items on the first day of school.

Books, check, textbooks, well arranged, pens, all there, pencils, sharpened, money complete, phone, on silent and brightness on the lowest. All was complete, I was set and ready to go.

The bus arrived roughly around four minutes of me waiting. I got on quickly and sat by the window, keeping my eyes glued to the scenery outside and taking deep breaths to steady myself.

The minutes seem to fly by and pretty soon it was time for me to get off.

As I stood outside the butter yellow and matte black walls of Stanton's high school, I heaved a sigh and walked in slowly, my hands clutching the straps of my bag tightly.

A/N: for all the unpaid book critics and potential flawless writers I'm not going to tell you not to leave a rude, mean or condescending comment aimed at tearing down my writing, me as a person or any unproblematic character. I'll say this though, it's an utter waste of time. You'll be blocked and your comment deleted. So just save your energy you fiery ball of an internet Ninja. if at any point you decide you don't like the book. Just exit the book and move on to something else. if you stubbornly proceed to leave a demeaning comment, enjoy the consequences. Thank you🙂

To all the people who definitely won't do the above, welcome aboard my lovelies.💙💙💙😂😂😂

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