Chapter 7~the retributor

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Barely a minute subsequent to her storming in, she commenced shrieking "Of all the deplorable assemblage of students I've taught, this one houses the most incorringent of them all. Some of you were even audacious enough to prattle misleading things about me to the school authorities. You thought I'd be given the sack?"

She barked a short acrid laugh and crossed one arm over the other beneath her bosom as though to appear much more imposing.

She began to stride in between the rows peering into each and everyone's face as though to detect the guilty party. I struggled to keep my face expressionless, I didn't fancy inviting her attention to me.

She began yelling again despite the deathly silent atmosphere existent in the classroom "I've been a teacher in this school for over fifteen years and you think a measly report from spiteful deliquents would usurp me from my rightful positions?" She paused sharply then added

"You thought wrong"

She soon got to my seat and walked past but not before peering into my face and that of the girl sitted beside me. I heaved a noiseless sigh of relief but alas I realized I had rejoiced too soon as the girl beside me suddenly muttered
"What a stark raving lunatic"

As soon as the words deserted her lips, Mrs.Johnson looked back, a look of pure unalderated rage on her face.
"Who said that?" She asked in a dreadfully calm tone

"Who just said that right now?" She asked louder, the deceptive calm still resonant in her voice.

She was met with total silence. I stole a sly glance at the girl beside me, her face was blank giving absolutely no indication she had uttered a word.

The mathematics teacher stood beside my desk peered intently at me and scoffed
"The voice surely came from this direction, I'm sure it must have been you. You think it's badass to sass the teacher don't you? You think you're so tough---

I was so appalled I swiftly cut in
"No it wasn't me".

"If it wasn't you then who was it?, Who was it then" she smiled a mocking smile

I couldn't think of a suitable reply. At my previous school, Oakdale high, it was seen as utterly unacceptable to snitch. If a friend of yours told on you to the teacher, the friend was instantly classified as untrustworthy. But the girl beside me wasn't my friend, I didn't even know her name. Was it really a wise decision to risk my neck for her?. I was genuinely pertubed.

"You see, you're suddenly speechless. Your brain can't concoct anymore lies." She eyed me savagely before adding

"Because you're pretty you think you can be rude and get away with it. You remind me of a beautifully crafted empty vase, pretty on the outside with absolutely nothing in it."

"I sincerely didn't say anything" i said giving her an aggreived look

"Of course, it's only to be expected that I'm experiencing hallucinations, I'm a raving lunatic after all." The taunt as obvious as day in her speech.

"Your mother never taught you the values of good morals? Of respecting your elders? Is that it ?" She released a mocking chuckle

"But of course the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" she added giving me a vindictive look

"Don't insult my mother" I said lowly my voice cracking as I spoke, i swallowed the rising lump in my throat angrily blinking back tears.

For one mad moment, i wondered if there were a group of people in charge of my fate who were causing these series of unfortunate calamities to befall me and were watching me through a magic mirror laughing at my misfortune for their own sick twisted amusement.

"Or what? What're you going to do? Nothing. You'll do nothing." She said her tone heavy with condescension.

I felt the traitorous tears Cascade down my cheeks and I wiped them away angrily. The feeling of being weak, useless, a pushover drowning me.

"Mrs. Johnson, I'm sure there has been a mistake. Olivia is a really courteous girl. I'm sure she wouldn't say anything rude" I heard cara call in a gentle tone

"So I'm accusing her falsely? What am I now, a liar?. You had best keep your thoughts to yourself in order to avoid saying things that'll implicate you and worsen her punishment" she twisted around to give cara a severe stare.

I heard a sharp intake of breath come from beside me "it was me, I said it. I can't stand to see her continue to take the blame for my actions. It's crushing me. Whatever punishment you think I deserve, I'll take it." She had a determined look on her face as she stood up

"You've watched too many superhero movies haven't you Tasha? So you think it's cute to risk your neck to save the damsel in distress. You had better sit back down this instant." She glared at her

"It was me, I did it. That's the honest to God truth. I should have spoken earlier but I honestly didn't think things would escalate this badly. I'm honestly very sorry." Tasha replied

"How nice of you to own up now" she said snidely, she gave us both a considering look

"I've thought about it and I've decided it'd only be fair to punish the both of you. You're both exempted from my classes for the duration of four weeks with immediate effect. If during this period I decide to give out an important test or assignment which will be recorded, you won't get to redo it." She announced to us coolly

"Please Mrs.Johnson, it really wasn't Olivia's fault, don't punish her for my wrongdoings,Please." Tasha begged

"You're both in cahoots, if you weren't she'd have called you out immediately" she replied coldly

"I'm sure you found it fun to play on my intelligence, bravo" she clapped derisively

"Please ma, just---" Tasha tried to interject, she was cut off by mrs.johnson

"don't provoke me you silly girl, leave quickly before i double the punishment."

I shakily picked up my bag, tidied my books into it and walked briskly out of the class with my eyes glued to the multicolored tiles on the floor. I heard the clickety-clack of hasty footsteps echo in the silent hallway as I began to descend the staircase. I felt a hand wrap around my arm lightly. I turned around, it was Tasha.

"I'm honestly sorry about today. If I had owned up early you wouldn't have been banned from her class. I'm sorry. The guilt is chewing away at me. Forgive me." She pleaded earnestly

"It's alright, what's done is done" I continued lightly shrugging off her hold and proceeding with my descent down the staircase, eager for the quiet comfort of the artistic room.

The rest of the periods zoomed by without incident. The only noteworthy event was the random appraisal I got from students who had been present in Mrs. johnson's class. They congratulated me for my bravery and smiled warmly at me.

I had just taken a warm shower, dressed in my comfy pajamas and laid on my comfy bed tracing the Mickey mouse pattern when I heard a soft ping indicating I had received a message. I groaned lightly as I made my over to my phone, disconnecting it and proceeding to type in the password to unlock it. I clicked on the message.

Cara: Olivia, it's me cara. Something terrible has happened

I began biting my nails in consternation

Cara: Mrs.johnson was involved in an hit and run by a silver car with no license plate. She's currently in a severely critical condition.

Cara: I was told that she has been rushed to Luxembourg hospital.

Cara: I've got tears running down my eyes right now

I felt as though a boulder of apprehension had been placed on both my shoulders. The major thought prevalent in my mind, Cole. I was positive he had played a major role in this incident.

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