Chapter 19~perverted teachers

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"we're delighted to see you back in school" I smiled brightly as I hugged cara tightly, George and Josh also took turns enfolding her in their embrace both sporting bright beams

"Seeing your faces makes me happy too, hopefully I didn't miss anything important?" she scanned our faces while playfully wiggling her brows

"You absolutely did" George replied

"What did I miss?" She whined

"Harrison said some revolting things to Olivia the day before and when he got sent to the principal, he was let off with only a slight admonition." he answered

"That's appalling, when did he resume school? Because he wasn't present all throughout last week." she looked puzzled.

"He resumed the day before" George supplied

"And he's already beginning to engineer trouble already?, Imagine that" she shook her head and turned to me"I'm sorry you had to deal with that vexatious boy"

"He got a two week suspension though" I shrugged

"But I thought George said the principal let him off with only slight warning" she looked baffled

"He did" George shook his head and corrected

"he didn't" he shook his head again before finally settling for

"I meant he didn't do anything about it."

"He got the suspension because he pummelled Tasha with his fists, he also accused her of giving him poisoned cupcakes and his friend being hospitalized because they consumed the cupcakes."Josh elucidated

"Tasha wouldn't do such a thing, would she?" Cara looked from Josh to George in consternation

"Like I said yesterday, Tasha isn't shrewd enough to pull such a stunt. I believe she was framed in this situation" Josh retorted, conviction clear in his tone

"What if it was done by someone we know? Someone who we see almost everyday? That's a really disturbing thought I must confess" Cara frowned deeply

"It could also be someone we don't know, Harrison is literally a douchebag. He upsets a lot of people, it could be someone from around where he lives and besides it happened really close to his home. Tasha is the only known student who lives around the same area as Harrison" George chipped in

"I never even considered it from that angle" Josh confessed

"George just might be on to something" Cara appraised

"Could be"

"But how come you didn't hear about it? It was discussed in the school's group chat" josh looked towards Cara's direction

"I thought they were just talking about random inconsequential things like they usually do" she shrugged

"Oh" Josh muttered simply

"Anyways, we had better get to the field, the last set of people walked out a few minutes ago." She looked towards the direction of the entrance

"I hate p.e so very much" Josh groaned rolling his eyes

"Lazy ass" Cara snickered

"Sometimes I can't help but wonder how you can stand that perverted man" George grunted tying his laces and tucking them inside

"I don't exactly see him as a pervert"

"He literally always include jumping exercises and running exercises in our warm up activities, why do you think he does that?" Josh demanded

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