chapter 26~ stupefying revelations

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We all strode outside the house and stood by the door neck and neck with lily, wholly and utterly bewildered.

"I've dialled my brother, he should be here in about ten minutes or less. Let's just sit by that hawthorn tree over there." Cara motioned to a cemented low fence close to a fierce looking tree.

As we sat Cara beseeched in a gentle tone "What happened in there? Why did you get into a scuffle with her? She can be irksome I know, but this is highly unusual behavior for you."

Lily didn't respond staring stonily ahead, her chin resting on her fisted right knuckle.

"I'm curious too, what led to the fight?" George inquired, lily didn't acknowledge his question still staring straight ahead

"You know you can talk to us right?" I chipped in softly, she didn't reply. It was almost as though she couldn't even hear us.

"The least you could do is give us an explanation, after all you're the reason we had to leave earlier, cutting George's time with lila short" Josh raged, lily remained unwaveringly silent.

"Fucking creep" Josh voiced loudly enough for her to hear. Cara gave him a reproachful look looking extremely displeased and had just opened her mouth to probably admonish him when lily began to full on bawl earning her a nonplussed look from Josh.

"I'm sorry i'm a fucking creep, i'm sorry I can't do anything right. I'm sorry a thousand times but mostly, I'm sorry I ever even liked you. "

Josh looked wildly taken aback, George had on an odd look of incredulity on his face, Cara was grim-faced and me?, I was floored.

"You think I constantly sit at the lunch table because of Cara? You think I tell all those silly lies to impress cara? You think I joined the music club because I wanted to be closer, or in your words leech onto Cara?" She gave an anguished laugh causing more tears to trickle down her face

"I put up with your insults, I endured whatever bullshit you threw my way because I liked you, I was desperate for you to like me I was willing to make an utter fool of myself. I didn't care, as long as you looked at me, talked to me. It was something, it was everything." She paused and chuckled bitterly before continuing

"like? Like? No I don't like you, I love you. You let your mom do your nails because that's your way of saying a big fuck you to toxic masculinity. You like eccentric musicians because you think weird is cute. You don't eat Snickers because you're allergic to peanuts. You don't have a favorite color because you're of the opinion all the colors are equally cute. You aspire to one day become the owner of a huge clothing or make up line. You love your brothers more than any other thing in the world. You hate the birthmark you have on your neck and you constantly wear turtle necks because of it. Your favorite food is noodles, you don't like telling people that because they'll think it's weird." For the second time that day my jaw dropped in amazement.

She paused and swallowed thickly "No, i didn't stalk you to get these information. I've been around you and liked you for so long my brain deems everything you say and do as Important."

"I always get your mom a birthday present every year because it always escape your memory. I didn't tell you because I derived a certain stupid silent pride from it. Yes, I'm a fucking creep, I agree wholeheartedly. You want to know why I fought her? Fine I'll tell you" she chuckled angrily wiping tears from her eyes

"It was because she kept calling you a sissy boy and spouting homophobic and transphobic shit and I thought to myself, what'd Josh do in this situation? that's why I socked her in the nose. Do I regret fighting her ? No. Am I going regret saying all these things tomorrow. Yes, probably." She stopped temporarily again before picking up where she'd left off

"I'm tired of having to deal with this one sided love. I'm done and I'm going to move on, it'll be hard but I will."

She turned to Cara "I'm honestly so sorry, Thank you for putting up with me and my annoying attitude for so long, you've been an amazing friend."

She turned towards a floored josh "You won't have to worry about this fucking creep anymore."

She walked away leaving behind an absolute air of pregnant silent. Nobody uttered a single word not even George who I was expecting to make a funny joke or a silly comment.

It seemed like a few hours later but it was in actuality a few minutes later when Dave arrived in his car and we all got in quietly, following the same seating pattern we had observed when we had been on our way to the pool party. He drove very slowly and turned around giving us a sharp glance before turning his attention back to the wheel.

"What's wrong?" He demanded

"Nothing" Cara replied staring thoughtfully out of the window

"Did you all have a falling out?" Dave continued


"Where's lily then?"

Cara gave him a look, apparently he understood the meaning of the look because he nodded his head and stopped asking questions turning his full attention to the road.

I heard Josh mumble beside me"I'm shook"

As soon as I got home, I changed into a comfier outfit,sighing inwardly as I laid in bed i couldn't help but wobder why my life couldn't be drama free for once. I was jolted from my thoughts due to a message notification.

Private number: you home?

Me: yes, why?

Private number: just wanted to know if you got home safe.

Me: yes, I did

Me: you put the itching powder in his boxers right ?

I had a feeling it was him, I just wanted to confirm

Private number: I was bored🙂

Me: jeez

Private number: I'm having a sleepover at my mom's. She's currently dancing with the broom and pretending she's a huge celebrity. This is going to be one hell of a long night.

Private number: she just broke something, I'm torn between bursting into laughter and smacking my head in annoyance.

Me: 😂😂😂😂

I laughed at that, I could just picture it.

Private number: she likes you a lot, she even told me to give you a pair of earrings. She sells really pretty jewelries.

Me: oh, that's really sweet of her

I smiled at that

Private number: yes and she said you have to kiss me in return

I scoffed in disbelief

Me: liar!

Private number: I'm serious, she said you have to smooch me.

Me: that's a big lie

Private number: it's not

Me: it is

Private number: it's not

Me: it is!

Private number: I just joined this tiktok thingy. I have mixed feelings about this app. They have some really nice trends and some really stupid trends. You on tiktok?

Me: not actively.

Private number: I gotta go my mom just took a hard fall. Bye.

Me: goodnight.

I needed all the sleep I could get, I had a feeling I hadn't seen nor heard the last of the whole Josh and Lily drama.

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