Chapter 13~samosas and milkshakes

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"how come cara is absent from school today?" I directed towards josh as soon as he had installed himself in the seat opposite me

"She has come down with a fever, she probably didn't tell you because it's not severe. if we're to go by her explanation, that is" he shrugged his shoulders

"If it isn't serious, why is she staying at home then?" I pressed

"If you fell prey to illness, wouldn't you exaggerate it to get out of school" not waiting for my reply he added

"I know I would"

I furrowed my brows contemplatively turning to look behind me "where's George anyway?, i caught several glimpses of him today. All at once, he's nowhere to be found. He doesn't strike me as the type to miss out on lunch"

"He went to to take a leak"

"Ah there he is" he commented waving at him as he advanced towards us

"School doesn't feel the same without my sweet angel, Cara." He whined with an exaggerated look on dejection, plunking down beside Josh heavily.

Josh rolled his eyes "it's just for a day or two"

I snorted

"Girlfriend, why would you buy the mashed potatoes?" George asked on becoming aware of the food in front of me

"They looked really scrumptious so i kinda assumed they'd taste really good too. What a nasty shock i got" I made a wry face

"No honey, these things don't work that way. We don't purchase cafeteria food based on looks or names. we buy them based on suggestions, suggestions from friends, friends like me who have functioning taste buds." George eyed my food distastefully

"I've learnt an important lesson today" I said as I forced my myself to swallow the spoonful i'd just eaten. I had about four more to go. Thankfully I hadn't bought much.

"Dave is totally coming over this way, doesn't he know his sister isn't in school?" George asked staring at the space behind my back

"You can be really dumb at times. Is it possible for a brother not to have any idea his sister is absent from school?. His sister who he lives with." Josh slapped his hand on his forehead

"Wait what ?" I spat

"cara has a younger brother?" I looked from Josh to George in expectations of an answer

"Older brother, he's in the last grade actually"

"Why am I just finding this out now?" I was puzzled

"I dunno,it hasn't come up in any of our conversations, I guess" George began chugging his water

"Who the hell drinks water before eating?" Josh eyed him disgustedly

"Me, apparently" George had a proud smile on his face.

"How come he hasn't gotten to our table yet?" I didn't want to turn my head around and make awkward eye contact.

"Because he stopped to exchange pleasantries with his friend" George explained

"He's heading over here now" Josh prompted

"Hey Josh, hey George" a deep pleasant voice reverberating voice called from behind me.

"Hey" they chorused

"I'm actually here in search of Olivia. Cara told me to ask from you both"

I turned around on hearing my name. I was met with a gorgeous well built guy endowed with very fine curly brown hair which he had in plaits and skin the shade of vanilla wafers.

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