chapter 37~ This or that?

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I roused from my sleep on the frigid floor next to Cara with a tremendously throbbing headache. I yawned broadly and grimaced immediately at the stench that emanated from my mouth.

I blinked repeatedly to clear my eyes as i shook Cara mildly, to rouse her from the awkward position she was lying in. She came to with a start, twisted her neck to side a little and clutched her neck

"Are you alright?" I asked worry lacing my tone.

She shook her head hastily, placed her right hand over her mouth and scuttled out of the room. I had a feeling she was about to throw up. I followed behind her, to render help if she was need of it. I was right, I held her hair away from the sink and patted her back gently. She rinsed her mouth thoroughly after she was done.

She looked up from the sink to me "I'm the worst drunk ever, Like ever. First I fell asleep all through the night, next I awoke to an aching crick in my neck, to add to that I threw up Immediately I woke up."

"sorry."I consoled, hiding my face from hers by looking to the side. It was one of those situation I found comical, I didn't want to but I did. I also didn't want to be unkind by smiling directly in her face especially when she seemed so upset.

"Why're you looking away?" She asked suspiciously

"Nothing." I replied, my voice shaking as I attempted to control my laughter. Why now of all times that I didn't want to laugh was this happening?

"You're laughing, aren't you? Meanie." She complained poking me lightly

I burst into full laughter "sorry, i just find it ironic that it was your idea and it tanked for you."

"It tanked for me? What was your experience like then? You ended up watching the movie till the end? You did something fun?." She asked curiously.

I strived hard to recollect details from the night before. I could recall texting someone yesterday but I couldn't remember who it was, neither could I remember exactly what I'd said. What if it had been my mom I'd texted? Or Sarah the girl I disliked the most in the whole entire universe and had only kept her number saved so whenever she called I'd know it's her and avoiding picking up or what if I had texted Cole something mortifying. Trepidation continued to build up in my system steadily.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by cara gently patting me "Olivia? Olivia? Olivia? You alright?"

"Huh" I replied startled

"You seemed lost in thought, you okay?" She asked

"I drunk texted someone last night but I can't remember who it was and what I said." I confessed

"A true nightmare." Cara shuddered. I nodded, I couldn't agree more.

"Why don't you go read through your old messages?" She suggested. Why? I thought to myself. Because I'm scared of watching my fears metamorphorse into reality.

"I'll go check it out right now." I announced.

I scrolled through my phone anxiously, the last person I'd texted was Cole. He had even sent me a message an hour ago.

Private number: text me when you wake up

I crossed my fingers together, shut my eyes and began to mutter to myself "please don't let me have said something stupid or agreed to something stupid. Please, please, please."

"So, who was it you texted?" Cara hollered

"it was Cole." I called back

"You're lucky then, I'll be going now. I need to take a cool, relaxing, luxuriating shower." She waved as she meandered out of the room

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