Chapter 2~An awry first day

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I felt dread entwine and interweave it's frightful vines around my chest as I was met with unalderated quiet. Taking a hurried look around i observed a meagre chunk of students who seemed to be walking hastily towards what I assumed to be the direction of their classrooms.

From the transparent windows of the classrooms I could see students clad in uniforms identical to the one i had on, already sitted and staring straight ahead.

All I needed at that moment was a nice face. And to my delight, my eyes alighted on a girl I assumed fit that description. As I approached her swiftly I prayed I hadn't been mistaken.

"Heyyy" I dragged out trying to come off as friendly

"could you point out grade eleven b for me? I'm new here and I don't want to make a fool of myself. Thank you."

"Grade eleven b?, I'll walk you there. Although I must say we're pretty late already. " She paused to wave to a group of three girls who waved back. Turning towards me she continued

"I must say you're really lucky to be in that grade, sixty percent of the students in your grade are actually pleasant looking unlike in my grade where 70 percent look like favorable versions of Shrek, the grisly ogre. I shouldn't complain though, I mean look at me, my face is splattered with acne and no matter how many face routines i copy from Instagram and YouTube it still remains the same. My sister is forever saying that I'm just going through the ugly stage of puberty and that in a few months I'll get to the beautiful stage of puberty, whatever that means..." She continued to ramble on causing me to smile softly. I didn't mind though, oddly enough I liked it.

We ascended a couple of stairs and walked briefly towards the left where she paused suddenly and announced brightly rushing over her words

"Here it is, grade eleven b. Don't be nervous, you'll survive, you're pretty and you seem nice. Have a nice first day. My name is Rissa by the way, in case we ever come across each other again."

She said waving and walking briskly away her curls bouncing jauntily behind her back.

I wiped my slightly sweaty palm on my skirt, taking deep breaths and giving myself a quick pep talk in my head, i walked in quickly before I could even reconsider.

The slender woman with a few greying hair addressing the students, trailed off and looked towards my direction with a scowl before walking towards me. The students took this opportunity to chatter amongst themselves. Some giving me fleeting glances and looking away. Others staring at me with open curiousity.

"I haven't seen your face around here, you must be new." She said giving me a once over

"Yes, I am."

Today's my first day at this school" I felt the need to add due to her continuous stare.

"Tardy on the first day ?" She said with a scowl.

"I thought school starts by 9" I stated nervously.

"No, it starts by 8:30" she said a look of disapproval etched on her face

"Oh" I mumbled weakly

"You'll briefly introduce yourself and I'll assign your seat to you. Try to be on time tomorrow, punctuality is not a virtue to be trifled with"

As soon as she diverted her attention back to the class she realized the chatter had increased considerably, some had even left their seats to engage in discussions with their friends,sitting relaxedly on tables.

I resisted the urge to cringe as she began to yell in an high pitched grating voice.

"I turn my back for a few seconds and this is what happens ? You begin to titter and prattle like kids in kindergarten? Is this how you'll behave in college?"

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