chapter 32~ lunch and a cup of tension

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Note: Cole's father full name ~ Mr. Frank Foster

Cole and i exited his car and proceeded towards an evenly painted white door, reclining peacefully in the middle of a tremendous looking house. It looked to be roughly double the size of my own home.

He didn't bother to ring the doorbell, opting instead for simply pressing down the door handle and swinging it open to reveal the interior of the house. It was the exact opposite of Cole's mother's, while everything in her house consisted of distinctive vivacious colors crazily arranged to give one huge beautiful ensemble. This looked to be the work of careful consideration, neat color coding and a huge ton of cash.

We walked in on a tall goodlooking man who seemed to be carefully analyzing the dining setting. The resemblance between he and Cole was chillingly unncanny.

His eyes alighted on my blue jeans and tied top clad self, a quick look of surprise flickered over his facial expression before it settled back into the cool air of professionalism it once was.

"Dad, what have I told you about always ensuring the door is locked?" Cole accused as he gestured for me to take a seat. I needed no further encouragement as I plopped onto the fluffy couch.

"That'd have been a silly idea." He picked up a perfectly folded napkin, unfolded it and folded it neatly again.

"Ensuring you're safe is a silly idea?" Cole scoffed settling down beside me on the couch and beginning to take off his gray sneakers.

"You left to pick her up when? A few minutes ago. What'd have been the essence of keeping the door locked?" His father replied

"Anybody could just walk in and do whatever to you." Cole looked up with a frown

"Sit your paranoid self down, child." Mr. Foster responded coolly as he placed the utensils beside the napkins and empty plates

"Whatever." He neatly arranged his sneaker beside the couch

He turned around to announce "Dad, meet Olivia, Olivia meet my dad."

"Hello, Olivia" he smiled at me

"Hi, Mr. Foster." My polite smile mirrored his

"You're not vegetarian, are you?" His father questioned

"No, I'm not." I shook my head with a low chuckle

"Alright, Why dont you two come on over here?" He nodded his head gently as he ushered us to the dining table, it was a medium sized table built purely with and surrounded by five straight backed grey velvet chairs.

Cole and i sat side by side and Mr.Foster walked out of the room with a quick "I need to go check on the eggs I left to boil."

"You comfy?, Want anything?" Cole asked me

"no, I'm okay. I'm alright." I answered truthfully

"You sure, cos I can always..." Whatever he was about to say was cut off by the ring of the doorbell

Mr. Foster walked briskly out of the kitchen and to the door. He paused, wiped the water on his palm on the back of his trousers, took in a deep breath and ushered in a friendly looking woman on sparsely applied makeup and a pretty yellow dress.

She kissed him lightly on both cheeks and he ushered her towards the table taking his leave after she'd settled comfortably into the chair opposite me.

She sat down opposite Cole and smiled sweetly at us. "Hello"

"Hi" I returned her smile

"Hey" Cole answered with a wide grin

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