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Stepping out into the tourney grounds for the first duel Jon couldn't help but compare the setup to that at Lannisport. There Jaime had built a ready-made arena, here it was simply a fenced-off section outside the city itself. While Jon actually in some ways appreciated the open feel of the place, he preferred the arena in Lannisport. There the crowd felt part of the event, here they seemed oddly removed, they also didn't seem that interested in the early duels.

However as Jon faced his opponent something seemed to change in the crowd, excited hushed whispers were heard and people moved forward to get a look at him. Jon knew the word had spread of what had occurred between him and Edmure and he welcomed it, Jaime had thought him early on that being known was helpful. So Jon intended to make a show for those watching, unfortunately, his opponent wouldn't be much help for that.

Across from him stood one of the multitudes of Frey's who'd come to the tourney, in the melee there had been almost twelve of them and all but one had been beaten without defeating an opponent. The one who had actually managed to beat somebody only did so because the Hound had practically beaten him for him. The boy facing Jon was yet another Walder, he shuddered to think just how many of them there were.

"You ready to taste defeat bastard," Walder said and Jon sighed, why is it the least talented are always the loudest he wondered as he readied his sword.

Jon moved quickly, the thin sword flashed in a feint and then it was over, two hits, one to the sword hand and one to the arm and the Frey was yielding. Jon turned to the crowd and shrugged his shoulders much to their amusement giving the laughs and cheers he got, he walked to the back and when he got there he saw Loras smirking from the sidelines.

"Seriously, you got a damn Frey." Loras japed.

"I know, when are you up?"

"The fight after next, I'm fighting a Fossoway," Loras said and Jon noticed something off in his voice.


"Oh what, it's nothing."


"It's just that Garlan's been spending a lot of time with the Fossoway's, I think father sees a match for him there," Loras said sadly.

"I'm sure your brother would have come if he could Loras, now go out and beat your future good sisters kin," Jon said and Loras smiled.

The two boys waited together until Loras was called, Jon walked with him to the entrance.

"Remember, don't be too flash Loras, win, then show off," Jon said and Loras nodded.

He watched as his friend went out to face his opponent, the Fossoway lad had him beat in size, but Jon knew Loras would beat him as long as he reigned in his tendency to show off. Both he and Jaime had repeatedly told Loras it was a fault that would cause him problems if he didn't get it under control. Jon had gone so far as to say that he should use all the build-up and after a match for showing off but be completely serious during one.

Loras had seemed to listen and had improved tremendously, but this was the first real test, Jon had not been able to go to the tourney at Highgarden so didn't know if Loras took the lessons to heart there. Here though he would get the chance to find out and he looked to see Jaime up in the crowd watching intently also. Should Loras still show the same traits, both he and Jaime would be clear to show their disappointment to him, something he knew his friend would respond to.

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