2.3K 69 22

Bear Island 298 AC.


They moved through the trees, her bow held in her hands, to her left she could see Lyanna and she knew that Lyra was here somewhere also. Ahead of her Nymeria watched the stag and Arya only had to close her eyes to see it. If she wished to she could allow the wolf to take it, but Arya wanted this one for herself. Lyanna and she had wagered that it'd be one of them to take the prize this day, both of them fed up that it was either Nymeria or one of Lyanna's sisters who usually did so.

Arya reached the clearing first, yes it was somewhat cheating to use Nymeria's eyes but a girl needed to take every advantage when the price of failure was so high. She crept forward and lined up the shot, her breathing deep and steady as the arrow flew in the air. When she saw it hit home and the stag bolt she felt such a fool, only for the wounded animal to make it no more than a few feet before it fell over. Her shot had been true and Arya could feel her heart beat a little faster when she moved toward it.

She took out the knife Jon had gifted her, taking the blade to the stag's throat and cutting it. Cruel as she had thought this the first time she had seen Lady Maege do it, she knew now the real reason for it.

"We are not monsters Arya, we don't wish the animals to suffer more than is needed, so we end their suffering quickly, give them a far quicker death." Maege said.

As she saw the life go from the stag's eyes, Arya closed her own and offered a prayer to the old gods, thanking them for the bounty they'd given her and for not allowing the animal to suffer. She heard the cracking of twigs behind her and smirked when she saw the frown on Lyanna's face. Her best friend in the whole world was glowering at her and yet she saw the small look of pride that she'd won too.

"I hate you." Lyanna said shaking her head.

"It's only for a week." she said back trying not to snigger.

"It's the bloody stables, Arya, gods why did I agree to this." Lyanna said rolling her eyes.

"Because the thought of seeing me have to shovel horse shit made you laugh, remember." Arya said her own laughter ringing out now.

"Gods, he's a big one isn't he." Lyanna said after she had rolled her eyes once more before laughing too. Her friend then walking over to take a look at the stag they'd caught.

"Aye, think Alysanne will be pleased?" she asked slightly worried.

"I think so, we'll also be eating deer for days." Lyanna said chuckling when Lyra came through the clearing, Nymeria finally moving from where she had sat and walking over to her, Arya rubbing her wolf's head when she reached her.

"Which of you?" Lyra asked.

"Arya." Lyanna said annoyed.

"So you shovel the shit." Lyra said laughing.

"Idiots." Lyanna said walking away from her sisters.

They began the process of cleaning the deer out, Lyra directing them while she and Lyanna did the work. She gave Nymeria some of the stag's insides, some they'd bring back for Alysanne who liked the parts that both she and Lyanna really did not. After cleaning out the stag, they readied it to bring it back to the Bear's Den, she and Lyanna were then sent to the stream to wash, which inevitably turned into a water fight.

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