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Highgarden 295 AC.


While he along with the rest of the crowd had cheered Jon's win, he unlike most hadn't been surprised when he didn't turn up for the feast. He had heard later that Jon had met Joy in her room for their story and that he had spoken briefly to Margaery, but Jaime knew what it was that was on his king's mind. Getting up early the next morning he kissed his wife, checked on Joanna, and made his way to the sparring yard.

He found him with Arthur and Ghost, Jon turning and twisting as he brought his sword to various parts of the training dummy. Walking over he grabbed a tourney sword and took his position waiting for Jon to notice him. When he did Jaime tapped the ground three times and they began, Jon putting even more effort and power into each swing. Had he not already expected Jon's upset then he'd have thought it unusual, but even Arthur was getting more and more used to Jon's routines.

"My cousins were singing your praises last night." Jaime said.

"They shouldn't" Jon replied.

"No they should, what you did to Hardyng, Tion enjoyed it immensely."

"Oh." Jon said and it was even more clear now that Jaime had been right.

"Have you your gift for Margaery?" he asked and Jon's swing lost some of its power.

"Aye, I don't know when to give it to her though, before or after."

"Not during?"

"People would talk." Jon said as his movements began to quicken.

"Let them talk, your sister is fostering with her Jon, Loras, and your friendship is known, gifting her on her nameday would not be thought of how you think." Jaime said and saw Jon nod.

He had noticed it yesterday and it was even more clear this morning but Jon was getting even faster, as he looked up at he expression on his face though Jaime was taken aback. The blow that Jon caught him with next surprised them both, so much so that Jon actually stopped to look at him and Jaime found he was was once again face to face with a ghost.

"My lord?"

"Walk with me Jon." he said trying to shake the image of the prince from his head.

They walked through the gardens, Ghost running off ahead of them to check no one was in there way he suspected. When they reached the secluded area he sat down, Jon deciding to stand and for a few moments there was silence before eventually, Jon began to speak.

"I messed up." Jon said resignedly.

"You did."

"I was so concentrated on Martyn especially given what had happened with Tion, I was so focussed on him that I couldn't protect them."

"Protect who?" he asked though he knew full well.

"Loras, Robb, Cregan I left them alone, I wasn't there for them." Jon said with a sigh as he looked to the ground

"You're not supposed to be." he said and Jon's head snapped back up to look at him.

"I am, of course, I am, they're my friends."

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