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All through the tourney she had fumed in silence, what should have been her chance to be with Jaime again had been ruined at every turn, her incompetent servants , two of whom she had dismissed because of their failures, were at fault. One even had the nerve to say she delivered the letter to Jaime personally, lies damn lies, if she had then Jaime would have came to her by now. Had there not been so many visitors staying in the Red Keep she'd have had the girl whipped, as it was she simply had her thrown out on the street.

It was the night of the feast though that she began to think that maybe her servants weren't completely lying to her, maybe just maybe there was some truth in what they said. She had smiled at Jaime countless times, every time he looked to her she could feel her heart race, could feel the tingle deep in her stomach. At one point during the night she'd almost had to leave the hall itself, the ache between her legs had become so distracting.

When the first note was brought back to her she'd smiled, she did love it when her brother played hard to get, the second though had made her furious. She watched as the girl walked to Jaime, saw as she tried to hand him the note, when he had refused it she couldn't believe it, she was incandescent in her rage. Had it not been for the people in the hall, these useless worthless people, then she'd have gone over and given her brother a piece of her mind. To reject her so publicly, this was not how tonight was supposed to end, this was not what she'd planned.

"Are you all right my queen?" Lord Mace asked.

"What, oh yes I'm fine." she answered abruptly.

The stupid oaf looked suitably chastened and went about eating his food, which was fine by her, the last thing she wanted was to be stuck in conversation with the stupidest man in all of the seven kingdoms. Though as she looked to her brother perhaps Mace Tyrell had a rival for that role, she watched as he laughed and joked with Tyrion and the rest of their family. It was bad enough he was ignoring her, but to spend time with the monster who'd killed their mother well that was something she couldn't bear to look at.

Thankfully something else caught her attention, she looked down to see the floppy fish sprawled on the ground, trying and failing to get back to his feet as the bastard and the rose walked away from him. Had the bastard done something? Had he struck the lord of Riverun? Please say it was so, she would see him punished for his impudence, even Robert wouldn't be able to deny it, perhaps if Jaime saw his precious squire in some trouble he'd come to her for help, yes this was something she could work with.

As she watched more intently now she found herself stunned by what happened next, to hear such words from a bastard, no this would not do, this would not do at all, she would need to get involved, even if it didn't bring Jaime to her, the bastard needed to learn his place.

The next day.

How had it gone so wrong, what a useless fool Edmure Tully really was, everything had been set up so well, if Jaime came to her and pleaded she'd allow the bastard keep his hand, but no the stupid trout had instead lost his head. Cersei respected warriors, they excited her, watching Jaime spar or joust was a certain way to leave her aroused, with others she felt it too though less keenly than with her brother. Edmure Tully was no warrior though and while she may hate the bastard for ruining her plans, he certainly was one.

She briefly wondered what he'd look like when he was older, when his muscles filled out and he grew tall, with his dark hair and grey eyes he'd be a very beautiful man one day, a bastard still, but a beautiful one. But for now he was just an annoying boy who continually got in her way, every plan she had seemed somehow to get foiled when it came to Jon Snow and she was sick and tired of it. Now her hopes rested on a man who wouldn't know one end of a horse from the other, gods why were men so stupid.

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