4K 93 30

Oldtown 294 AC.


When his father was alive Tyrion was rarely allowed to travel, his house's shame was kept in the West lest people see the Imp of Casterly Rock. So now seeing the Hightower for himself, seeing Oldtown in all its glory, Tyrion felt a sense of excitement that was only matched by the one other person who'd never been here, Sansa Stark. As the others readied to disembark, Tyrion and Sansa along with Sansa's wolf, stood on the deck looking on as the ship pulled into the dock.

While Tyrion, Oberyn, Ellaria, and their guards would be staying on, Sansa and the others would be leaving directly, a riverboat ready to take them up the Mander and onto Highgarden. Tyrion would on another occasion, love to make that journey too, to sail up the river, to see Highgarden, to enjoy the bounty of the reach as it was picked from the trees in front of him. But this was not a pleasure trip, it was far too important for that and so reluctantly he went to his cabin to get his own things.

"I thought I'd lost you to the sights." he heard Oberyn's voice as he walked down the stairs.

"You nearly did." Tyrion said with a chuckle.

He continued on to his cabin and made sure his things were ready to go, the ship would continue on it's journey to Kings Landing, leaving them here for at least a moon before one of the other pinnacle ships returned this way. Oberyn had suggested they could be here longer than that, which for Tyrion was something he was looking forward too, more than a moon in the library in the Citadel, even away from their purpose for being here, just the idea of it, the thoughts of it were exciting to him.

Once he was sure he had everything in order, he called for the guards and had them carry his things on deck, Jaime had insisted he had a dozen with him, along with Oberyn's own half a dozen he felt it overkill. But on this his brother wouldn't be moved, he was a Lannister, he was expected to travel in a certain way, expected to behave in a certain way which was also why when it came to coin, he carried a small fortune.

By the time he reached the deck again, the ship was tied up and people were walking down the gangplank, at dockside he saw Sansa, Olenna and Margaery, their company around them moving their things to orders from Olenna. After he walked down himself, he went to say his goodbyes, for over three moons the Tyrell's and Sansa had stayed in his home, he found he had enjoyed their company and would miss them until whenever next they met.

"Lady Olenna it seems this is where we say our farewells."

"It is my lord, I wish you good fortune in your time here." Olenna said looking into his eyes.

"I shall do my best to find something to keep me entertained." he said moving to Margaery.

"My lord, I thank you and your family for your company and look forward to seeing you and your home again." Margaery said and Tyrion found her words and smile to be genuine, though he wondered if it was his home, or the dark haired lad who lived there she wished most to see again.

"It was my pleasure to meet you Lady Margaery, I too look forward to seeing you and your family again, perhaps next time I'll visit Highgarden." he said moving to Sansa.

"My lord, I shall be sorry to see you go." Sansa said and Tyrion smiled warmly at her, while not having the same feelings for her as he did for her brother, he had enjoyed her company both in Casterly Rock and on the Lion's Roar.

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