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Winterfell 293 AC.


Sitting in his room he tried reconcile what Jaime had said to him about Walder's song, he had tried to talk to the man himself but he just told him he'd heard the song once and it stuck in his head. This though didn't make sense to him, how could he have heard a song written by his father? Where could he have heard it?. Jon hadn't bothered to speak to Nan about it, the woman had made it clear how tired she was and he could speak to her on the morrow.

But that still didn't make the questions in his head go away, still didn't resolve the feelings he was dealing with. He got up from his bed and walked over to where he'd hidden the chest and took out the letters and the egg carrying them back to his bed. As he lay down he looked over his father's writing, saw how elegant it was, how precisely each word was written. Just glancing at the signature at the end and seeing his father's name written in his own hand made his breath catch in his throat and so he began to read.

The first few were simply asking how his uncle was and whether he needed anything but after a while the letters started detailing events at the Red Keep and referencing his grandfathers behavior. He closed his eyes in hope that the letters wouldn't detail what kind of things Aerys did but unfortunately it was not to be. It was references to how Aerys treated his grandmother though that had Jon sitting up in the bed, it didn't go into detail but it seemed his grandmother bore the brunt of his grandfathers madness.

He would need to speak to Jaime about this, to find out just exactly what his grandfather did to his grandmother, to find out why no one stopped him. After reading a letter which spoke of Elia and the birth of his sister Jon couldn't help but smile, how his father gushed over Rhaenys, how he pointed out every little thing she did like it was the greatest thing he'd ever witnessed. Placing the letters carefully on the table he lay back and gripped the egg tightly before falling to sleep and hoping to see his sister when he did so.

"You're late." Rhaenys said as she raced towards him.

"I'm sorry Rhae, I was reading father's letters." Jae answered.

"Oh, well come quickly I've something to show you." she said grabbing his hand.

His sister led him across a green field and into a ruined castle, the walls were stained black and crumbled and the floor was almost melted away. While Jae walked carefully, Rhaenys seemed to just skip from one patch of broken floor to another and she led him to a large open space in the middle. It's walls had burned away to nothing and above him was nothing but sky, here it seemed the flames had done the most damage.

"Do you know what happened here Jae?"

"No, where are we Rhae?"

"Summerhall." Rhaenys said sadly "This is where our family almost fell Jae, but do you know what happened here?"

"They tried to hatch dragon eggs." Jae said looking around the room.

"No Jae, this was where father was born." Rhae said smiling as they moved back from the castle and walked up on top of a nearby hill, they looked down while the fires raged, the flames green and terrible in the distance.

Rhaenys pointed above to the sky and Jae watched as a dragon flew in the distance, its white body was clear against the darkness and it's blue wings were only able to be seen against the light of the moon. He watched as the dragon flew towards the flames, as it slowed and circled before turning back and flying away. Before he had a chance to say anything he was standing with Rhaenys outside a room in the Red Keep. He could hear pained screams in the distance and he turned to run towards them but Rhaenys just smiled and held his hand tighter and they walked slowly together.

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