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"I'm going to leave," Kayden called as he finally finished with one of the five boxes of files that needed sorting, but it was only the A-E box and he still had the rest to go. "See you tomorrow."

Simon sighed loudly, catching Kayden's attention. "I know the manager of The Capital Grille. You can still get a seat," he said, pleading with Kayden to agree.

"I'm fine," Kayden said, his jaw tight. "Have a nice evening."

"How are you getting home?"

"Walking, as I usually do," Kayden Siam, checking the time on his phone. "Bye."

Simon stopped him again. "I'll send a car to get you tomorrow morning," he said, making Kayden roll his eyes as he leaned on the door frame.

"I can take care of myself, Simon."

"That's 'sir' to you."

"Fine, sir," Kayden said, emphasizing his mockery of the title. "I can take care of myself. I don't need you to act like I'm helpless. I did walk to get your coffee today, didn't I?"

Simon sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Yes, but I'm your boss and it looks bad on me if an employee gets killed," he said, his inner demon screaming at him for even entertaining the idea that Kayden could die.

"Let me ask you this: do you send a car for every employee who walks to work? Do you hire other eighteen year olds on the spot with no experience to be your personal assistant?" Kayden asked, walking up to Simon's desk and placing his hands on it. "Or does this has to do with your flirting attempts? Because if your only goal is to get in my pants, I'll resign right now. Hell, I won't even expect you to pay me for my organizing as long as it means you leave me alone."

Simon shook his head. "No! I'm... I think you have potential," he said, but he knew that Kayden could tell he was lying through his teeth. "Don't quit. You need this job and I'll teach you all you need to know for a job of this caliber."

"I'm just trying to save for college or whatever programs I need to take to reach my goal," Kayden said.

He didn't want to settle for the first job he found, especially since he knew he wasn't qualified. There was no doubt in his mind that once Simon realized he wouldn't get anywhere with Kayden, he'd replace him with better more qualified eye candy and he'd be thrown to the streets.

"What's your goal?" Simon asked, realizing he didn't even know what Kayden wanted. He just knew that Kayden didn't seem to interested in marketing or business and was only doing it for the paycheck.

Kayden shook his head. "Something you'd probably laugh about," he said, knowing how many people thought astronomy and astrology were useless to learn, considering that Kayden liked to study both subjects from the ground and never planned to go to the stars.

"If it's your goal, I have no place laughing about it."

"Astronomy and astrology. Most people choose one, but both are fascinating to me and I want to join the programs to study deeper into it, but there aren't many jobs available in the field, so I have to be really good at it to get there," Kayden said, looking around the office. "This is a nice office, but I can't work in one my whole life. It's not me."

Simon nodded in understanding. "You'll get there," he said, smiling at Kayden. "You're special, Kayden."

Kayden couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips. "Thanks," he said, turning to the door. "Have a nice evening. Your reservation is at seven, like I already told you."

"Goodnight," Simon said, barely holding back the pet name he wished to call his beautiful but oblivious soulmate.

Kayden left the office and Simon finished up a few more things that he had to do and made a list of things to have Kayden to do the next day. He couldn't make Kayden sort and alphabetize for hours; usually Simon would force his workers in the lower levels to take care of the harder work, but he wanted Kayden to do it so the human would feel like he was making a difference.

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