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Kayden had gotten to know Venus over the next few days, since Darius decided to stay for a couple weeks with his supernaturals, and he learned that his fellow vampire was someone he enjoyed confiding in.

"Get off!" Kayden whined as Venus flopped over his legs. "You're heavy!"

"Am not!" Venus bit back, glaring at his newfound friend.

Kayden sighed and accepted his fate, grabbing his cup full of the substance he loved and hated at the same time. He drank it and watched Simon, who was sitting across the room, envious of his toast with jam.

He was down to only three bags of blood each day, but it'd be another month and a half before he could move down to two and a month after that until he could start eating normal food again.

"I miss real food," Kayden huffed, making Venus cast him a pitiful look.

"Only two and half months left, right?" Venus asked, sitting up and grabbing Kayden's empty cup and drinking the final drops. "And then you can move to only one bag a day! And real food!"

Kayden whined. "I just want some damn chicken nuggets!" he cried, glaring at Simon as he finished his toast.

The demon didn't even noticed, as he was deep into a conversation with Darius and Paxton.

"You're staring," Venus said, a sly smirk on his face.

Kayden had learned that underneath his sweet and soft personality was the mischievous vampire side that Kayden liked. It hurt because it reminded him of Indigo, but he liked having someone he could talk to.

"Of course I'm staring!" Kayden growled, clapping his hand over Venus' mouth. "My soulmate a sexy piece of meat and I feel like I'm just noticing it."

Venus pulled his hand away from his mouth. "I mean, it makes sense."

"What does?"

"That's you're just now noticing it," Venus said in a plain voice. "Vampires are really sexual and lust for their soulmates. Since you're no longer under Roman's control, you're lusting for Simon. Which means one thing!"

Kayden pursed his lips. "I should repress it?"

Venus face-palmed. "No, idiot!" he said, glancing at the demons. "It means sex!"

Kayden wrinkled his nose.

"Don't give me that look! Sex is great!" Venus said, speaking a little too loudly and getting the demon's attention from the other side of the room.

Simon and Darius shared a look while Paxton scoffed and left the room.

"What're you two talking about?" Darius asked, making Kayden flush red and Venus tense.

"Nothing!" Kayden said, while Venus mumbled "sex" at the same time.

Simon could tell Kayden was uncomfortable, but he thought it was cute how flushed and red he looked.

"Your eyes are really red," Venus said, looking at his irises.

Kayden took a sharp breath. "So?"

Venus giggled. "That means you're horny," he said, hopping up and going over to Darius. "Bye, Kayden!"

"You're just going to leave me here?!" Kayden asked, looking at the lust in Simon's eyes that hadn't been there seconds before. "Venus!"

"Have fun!"

Kayden huffed and flipped off his friend before turning his attention back to Simon. "Apparently I'm horny because I'm now a vampire," he said, standing up and crossing his arms.

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