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"I'm sorry," Kayden cried as Darius wept over Indigo's body. "I didn't remember him until Roman... I'm so sorry."

The rest of the demons had heard a commotion and joined them in the basement, shocked to find out what had happened. It was rare and evil to kill a shifter, especially since they were smaller and easier to kill among the supernaturals.

Venus knelt beside his fellow supernatural's body and pet his hair, his own tears escaping.

Alastor looked ready to kill. "You dare harm a friend in my house?!" he yelled, punching a bar of the cell so hard that it bent. "I swear to all that is evil, I will make your existence a living Hell! You will remain here for eternity to serve as a food source for Kayden and will never see the light of day!"

Kayden was on the ground, crying for his friend. He couldn't believe that he didn't remember his friend and let the man who took and changed him into a vampire control him to the point where he stood and watched as his friend was murdered.

"I'm so sorry," Kayden cried, unable to keep his puffy eyes off of Indigo's still body, which was still in Darius' arm. "I'm so sorry, Indigo."

"Shhh, it's not your fault," Simon said, but Kayden could barely register his voice. "You weren't in control." Simon tried to offer gentle touches and calm him down, but nothing was enough to relax Kayden.

"Pax, can you draw blood from Roman for Kayden so he doesn't have to take it directly from him?" Simon asked, scooping his soulmate up.

Kayden shook his head. "Let me stay, Simon," he begged, eyes still fixated on Indigo. "He can't be gone, please, I need to be here when he wakes up!"

Simon took a deep breath, trying to keep from crying himself. "He's dead, Kayden," he said, hating the words coming from his mouth, even though they were true. "I'm sorry. He's not going to wake up."

"I did this," Kayden sobbed. "It's all my fault."

Darius shook his head, standing up with Indigo in his arms. "It's not," he whispered, voice tight. "Alastor, can you help me find a place in the garden to bury him? I believe he'd be happier buried in a garden that will keep growing as opposed to some cemetery in California."

Alastor nodded and guided Darius to the stairs. "The rest of you, get upstairs," he said, before looking at Paxton. "Except you. Draw Roman's blood for Kayden so he doesn't have to interact with that disgusting creature."

Paxton went to do his job while everyone else went upstairs.

None of the went to their rooms. They all went to the living room, except for Gale, who vanished into the kitchen.

Elijah was sobbing into Greyson's chest, Lexi was crying quietly in the corner, and Winston stood next to the fireplace in silence. He wasn't crying, but his eyes were shiny.

Gale was rummaging around in the kitchen, dealing with her grief by baking. She kept making noises with the bowls and spoons, but everyone looked past it, knowing she needed to be moving around to deal with the sadness.

Simon fought his tears and had an arm wrapped around Kayden's waist while the vampire cried into his chest. He knew how bad Kayden felt; he had just snapped out of the control that Roman had over him in order to see a new friend that he cared for be murdered before his eyes.

"I'm so stupid," Kayden whispered to himself. "I didn't even try to fight his control."

Winston walked to the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of Fire Whiskey. "Anyone want a shot?" he asked, pulling out different colored shot glasses that corresponded with each of the demon's natural eye colors, along with a clear one for Kayden.

"I'll take one," Elijah said through a sniffle. "So will Greyson."

Kayden hadn't ever drank Fire Whiskey, but he felt like joining in. He was pleased that Simon didn't even attempt to stop him.

The glasses were all passed around and the demons and Kayden all sat together in the living room with their glasses, waiting until Paxton joined them to drink.

"To Indigo," Winston said, raising his glass as soon as Paxton arrived and took his own. "The most rebellious, irritating brat that won over all of our hearts. The afterlife gains a new, energetic shifter today and he will finally be free from the horrors this world offered him."

They all took their shots, setting down the glasses afterward.

The whiskey burned all the way down Kayden's throat, making him scrunch up his nose. He was sure that he could breathe fire with how hot it was, but he kept himself composed.

"Kayden, you look really pale," Paxton said, tilting his head.

Kayden glared at the demon. "I just watched my friend die in front of me, so excuse me for not jumping around with full color," he snapped, before realizing how bitter his words were. "I'm sorry, I... I don't know why I exploded like that."

Simon sighed. "Come on," he said, pulling Kayden to his feet. "Go to our room, I'll get you a bag of blood."

Kayden obeyed, walking away to the bedroom and sitting down on the bed. He caught sight of the gift he'd been given by Alastor, but he couldn't look at it. Right after he'd been given that gift, he took off and began the nightmare that left him as a vampire and lead right up to the death of a friend.

He covered it with a spare blanket and hid the snow globe that sat on Simon's shelf in the closet. Thinking of the planets and stars just reminded him of the gift and it hurt to think about what it lead to.

Simon entered the room with a black water bottle. "I figured you wouldn't want to see it," he said, handing Kayden the bottle. "Let me know if you're not full."

"How did I remember everything out of nowhere?" Kayden asked, taking the bottle but not paying it any mind. "I was trapped in a trance, obsessed with Roman and then I was out of it. Why?"

"Trauma," Simon said, sitting down on the bed. "Indigo being attacked hit you in a sensitive spot and made the memories that you lost rush back and you realized that your friend was in danger."

"Not in danger," Kayden whispered, his bottom lip trembling. "Murdered."

Simon wrapped his arm around Kayden's waist. "No one blames you," he said, sensing the sadness and anger.

"You should! I messed up! I left to go tell you that I was falling for you and wanted to stay with you and I got caught," he cried. "I caused all of this, Simon. How can you even love me or care about me now? I'm disgusting! I'm a vampire who wants blood and is still drawn to Roman even though I don't want him."

"No," Simon said, grabbing Kayden's chin and forcing eye contact. "You are not disgusting. You are beautiful, inside and out, and you did not deserve this. Everything that happened was a revenge plot that you were forced into because Roman blames us. You are so strong to even be able to break out of Roman's control, and I swear that I will help you."

Kayden was crying once again, his tears falling onto Simon's hand that was gripping his chin.

"I love you, Kayden," Simon said, pressing his lips to Kayden's forehead. "You don't have to say it back, but I need you to know. I love you and I will forever."

"Thank you," Kayden whispered, closing his eyes as he rested his head against Simon's shoulder. "Can we take a real nap now? Please?"

Simon hummed in agreement, but he grabbed the bottle. "Drink first," he said, fighting against his disgust when he saw Kayden hungrily drink the blood.

The two fell asleep entangled with each other, arms and legs crossed and hot from how close they were.

However, when Kayden woke up, he was cold. He was on a cold surface, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in the basement, sleeping outside of Roman's cell.

Kayden saw the vampire smirking at him.

"You can't resist your true Master," he said as Kayden screamed and ran back up the stairs to the main floor of the house.

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