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Kayden didn't know how he went from hating Simon to falling for him in two weeks.

After they'd returned home from their dessert date and work two weeks prior, Simon made Kayden sit down in the kitchen and removed the brand he'd put on his neck, which shocked the human. Then, he went a step further and took Kayden to a guest room in the same hall he slept in and told Kayden that he could sleep alone as long as he wanted.

When they first met and Kayden had been brought to the mansion, he would've died for the chance to have his own room and the opportunity to shut Simon out, but now he barely spent time in the room he was given. When they weren't at work, Kayden was in the kitchen or dining room with the demons who didn't have work or spending time in the library bothering Paxton.

Simon gave him space, but Kayden soon realized that he liked having Simon around. As he got to know the demon and his sarcastic attitude, Kayden learned that he was a lot of fun and, despite claiming he was straight weeks before, he found himself falling for Simon more every day.

Except for this morning; currently, Kayden was annoyed with the demon.

"I'm not tired," Kayden said, trying to walk past Simon and get to his suits. "You've worked just as much as I have!"

Simon let out an exasperated sigh at Kayden's determination. "Maybe, but you work a lot harder and you're human. You're not made to withstand an overexerting amount of work like I am, so, as your boss, I'm ordering you to take the day off," he said, leaning on the closet door so Kayden couldn't get dressed.

"But I'll have nothing to do!" Kayden whined, even though he knew he'd be able to spend his precious time in the library and would really enjoy it.

Simon chuckled. "If it bothers you so much, I can make this a paid break," he said, walking over to his desk and taking out his checkbook.

"That's not why-"

"Ooooh, let me guess, you just want to go because you'll miss me if you're stuck here?" Simon chirped like an excited middle schooler, and he could tell the teasing was embarrassing to Kayden. "That's adorable!"

Kayden grabbed the checkbook from his hand and tossed it onto the desk. "Stop it," he grumbled, his cheeks pink.

"Cutie," Simon cooed, ruffling Kayden's hair. "And you'll have plenty to do today. Alastor is visiting and is eager to meet you outside of a vampire attack."

Kayden's heart sped up and his eyes went wide. "I don't want to meet him on my own!" he exclaimed. "That's the leader of Hell! I can't meet him alone! I only saw him once and he terrified me even though he was saving me!"

"Relax," Simon said as Kayden rambled and started to pace, all thoughts of going to work pushed from his mind in his anxiety. "Alastor is a good demon, despite his intensity. He won't purposefully scare you."

Kayden's jaw was set and his body tense. "Will anyone else be home?" he asked hopefully.

"Paxton is always home," Simon joked. "And Lexi will be as well."

Taking a deep breath, Kayden accepted his fate and handed Simon his briefcase. "Have fun getting your own coffee without me," he said, kissing Simon's cheek.

They hadn't shared many kisses that were intimate, but Kayden offered quick kisses before they went to bed and when they woke up, or when they would be apart for a while. Sometimes it was a cheek kiss, sometimes it was on the lips, but it never went past a brief, quick kiss.

Simon took what the human would offer, because he knew that Kayden was scared of too much affection and was terrified over the thought of having sex. Simon refused to make Kayden uncomfortable, so he went at the human's pace.

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