Reader coming out as a trans male

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If you don't like this kind of stuff or don't support it *cough* *cough* Karen, then leave. There will be no hate on this page at all.


He was probably the meanest about when you came out to him. He doesn't understand, you were born one gender so why are you saying your not that gender?He might try to make you understand that you can't be the opposite gender just because your mind or whatever says you don't feel like the gender you were born.At some point he even offered to "fix your brain" so you wouldn't feel this way.

He kept going on and on about it as tears weld in your eyes.Before he knew it you ran out the room crying.As smart as he is, he doesn't understand what to do with you. So he did the logical thing and research it. He read every book and watch videos on it. He wanted to understand everything there was about it. 

As he started to understand, he also started to feel guilty about all the things he said to you. He quickly got up and started looking for you, but you were nowhere to be found. It has been 2 hours but he was still not able to find you. As he was about to give up he found a note in your hand writing. "Since you can't accept me for who I am, I will go so I won't shame you as much as I did today." He was in pain after reading this. He had one job and he ruined it...know he has nothing left and no one else could feel that now empty void.


Since he hangs out with human more than any other pillar men, he understands what you are saying when you come out to him, but he wants to make sure you understand what you are saying.

Unlike Kars, after you tell him, he will sit down with you and you to will talk about it from the beginning to make sure you both understand each other.After you both talk about it and you tell him that this is what you want, he is supportive all the way.

 If you let him, he will cut your hair for you and go shopping for some new clothes for you.If anyone looks at you the wrong way, they will be met with a very painful death.


Just like kars, he doesn't understand what you are talking about,but he isn't going to shut you out and tell you what you should be.After you tell him about it in depth, he is at first very confused about it.

"Why do you want to be the opposite gender? Did I or someone offend you in such a way?" He asking trying to get more answers out of you, but you weren't answering.He stopped when he saw tears welling up in your eyes as you turned and started to walk out the door.

Quickly, he grabbed you and pulled you toward his chest.He apologized over and over again telling you he didn't mean to make you cry and that he would accept you and care for you even if you wanted to make this change.He helped you cut your (or if you want your hair stay the same length it is, that's cool too.)He made you some clothes that are more masculine.It might take him awhile to get used to calling you he/him pronouns but he will get them down quickly.

X Santana X

Since he is a curious bio and also interested in humans, I could see him supporting you just like Esidisi.He finds out you wanted to do this because he overheard you talking to one of your friends about it.

He went to Esidisi and asked him to tell him about it since he knows more about humans than him and to make sure you weren't going to harm yourself doing this. Esi, laughed at the young pillar men before explaining it to him and telling him that you'll be okay and it would make you happier as a person, but he also told him about how others thought about it and how that could make you sad.

He took this new knowledge and went to go found you. He wanted you to know that you are still his human in any shape or form you choose.As soon as he found you, he picked you up and said, "I support you." As he held you close to him.You asked him what he was talking about and he told you that he overheard your conversation and he just wanted you to know that he still loves his human.

He even told you that if anyone said or looked at you the wrong way he will make their deaths painful. Tears stream down your face as you hugged him tighter. This was the first time someone supported you and loved you after they found out.You two stayed close to each other all that night and the next day.Finally someone who loves you for you.

I really did enjoy this one and if there is anything I need to change let me know for future post. This one is very special to me because my best friend told me that she to become a boy a week ago. I told her I'll support her all the way which made her cry because most of the people( not including her family) didn't want to be around her anymore. I breaks my heart that some people will be some mean to others that just want to be their true selves. If anyone wants to have a person to vent or talk too, just text me on here and I will get back to you very soon.

Bye pups!

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