Chapter 1|| The Reunion

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John got ready for the reunion taking place at a nice fancy, luxurious, restaurant that had opened up not so long ago. The name was in French and the restaurant already had a lot of good rating. He's never been there since he didn't have a reason to just go to a fancy restaurant all by himself, even so he probably wouldn't be able to afford it. Today though, today was different. It was a reunion of his and his friend(s) group from college to meet up again. The last time they saw each other was 3-4 years ago. Everyone left college as early as they could to pursue their dream, but John didn't really have any. He wanted to continue college, but he just thought at the time it would be a burden and stressful for him. Oh! He was also going to the restaurant because he didn't have to pay, with an extremely large group of friends. He would've spent more than a ton of thousand dollars today, if he paid which would've made him go broke. Even so, he had to get ready quick. His friends were picking him up at 5 PM to take him to the restaurant.

John POV

I quickly grabbed my choice of clothings from my wardrobe, a pair of long-white socks, and my checkered shoes. John quickly undressed as the clock/alarm besides his bed, on the drawer, hit 4:48 PM. "I still have to wash my face to lighten up since I still fell tired. " John thinks to himself as he was undressing. "This whole day, everyday, was always exhausting to me." He groaned. I decided to start changing into the clothing(s) I had picked out earlier instead of complaining/still thinking to myself or else I'll be late. I was done changing by the time the clock hit 4:55 PM. I quickly ran into the bathroom and turned on my sink. My hand was under the water that came rushing out. I took some into the palms of my hand, then washed my face carefully and quickly. I grabbed a towel next to the mirror and dried my face. Hate being in a rush.

As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, I heard a knock at the door. "Must be Zane and Zeke." I mumbled under my breath. I walked outside into the living room and past it. "Who is it?!" I yelled. I heard the other two from the other side of the door, "It's us, we're here to pick you up." I opened the door and the two smile and waved at me. Zane looked kinda grumpy as always, but I knew he was in a good mood. "Let me go grab my phone real quick." I said. I ran back inside and grabbed my phone from where I left it charging, I left it in the corner of my room on a chair charging. I unplugged the charger from my phone and tucked it into my front pocket. I went back to the front and looked at the two. "Hey! Let's go. I've got everything I need."

!Time Skip![Reunion, John POV]

Once they arrived to the party, everyone said hello and there was a waitress that showed up where we would be sitting at. Once we were all in our own places, everyone started talking, some went through the menu, some went to order a drink for us. We were put into our own little private room, "wow!""Amazing, this place is so nice!" There were people talking about the "private" room we were able to get, due to a girl name Delphine in one of Zeke's old friend group. She was a pretty, slim, blond, hazel-eye, and pale female. She was gorgeous. I can see Zeke being friends with her. Well, while everyone was doing something, I sat there in silence not saying anything. I didn't really have any friends back in college. Besides from Zane and Zeke. They were the only who always stuck with me, everyone else decided to just move on with their life. I was fine with it though, nothing new. I only know these people in the first place because of small talks here and there in the hallways. One of the waitress entered our room after 15-20 minutes to see if we were all ready to order. I was in my own thoughts I could hear Zane calling me until 3 whole minutes later on, "Hey! I've been calling you John. What do you want?" I looked at Zane and smiled nervously. "Ah, s-sorry! I got lost in my thoughts. Uh, order whatever you guys want. I'll be fine eating whatever." I said to him. "Okay, whatever you say dude." I sigh under my breath in a small embarrassment. "How could I have got lost in my thoughts here out of anywhere else?! Ugh.." I thought to myself again.

After a few minutes, I felt someone looking at me. I for some reason feel like I've seem them. It was a male with dark black hair, freckles, dark brown/black eyes, and tannish/pale skin. He were looking at me for some reason. I don't know why, but I felt worried for myself(?). He hadn't stopped staring at me until a few minutes passed, maybe 20-30. Some of our food had arrived too and everyone drinks were here. There was some soft beverages, alcohol, and two type of wine for the girls.

Everyone had a good time. They were all eating and drinking. They were also talking about what they've been doing the past years. I sat there, ate, and drank a couple cups of alcohol. I've never even tried drinking in my life, this was the first. I was so surprised on how many cups I could handle. "John, I want to introduce you to someone." Zeke said. I looked in Zeke's direction. "Hm? Who is it?" I asked out of curiosity. Well, just my luck, ay? It was the guy that had been staring at me not too long ago. "Him. His name is Alexandre Louis Bernard. Alex, meet John Martin." I could see Alex smiling at the corner of my eyes, even if I wasn't directly looking at him.

Alex smiled brightly now and nodded slightly. "Well, it's nice to meet you John. I hope we can get along quite fine." I wasn't expecting for him to say something like that. "I..I hope we can get along too, Alex. It's nice to be introduced to you." I stuttered in my very first sentence. It wasn't because I felt shocked. It's because I felt worry. A gush of worries came washing over me, I didn't want any other people than Zane and Zeke. They were the only people I could trust, having another person in my life or even trying to make friends with them overwhelmed me, always.

Author Words:

This first chapter had 1,133 words. Wow! Right? Well, wow for me. Haha, my hands hurt from typing. I'll write Chapter 2 after I shower so I can get the reunion over with since there is no "Tea" here. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter at least. I did my best and wrote whatever came in mind. I'll go over spelling mistake and everything just in case , in a bit. <33 Bye everyone!

-Your dear Author.

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