Chapter 9|| The Rules Of The House

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Louis came back walking in. He casually walked to my bedside and handed Alex is journal. It was labeled, "Rule Book". I stared at the book. No matter how little or much it moved my eyes followed it's every movement. Alex saw me and chuckled. I was confused at first so I looked up then notice that he saw me. 'Oh.' Is all I said in my head. "Okay, you read to hear the rules baby?" I nodded eagerly. I wanted to hear what rules he set for me.

1.You will not step foot in another room besides your room, unless told to.
2. You will not step foot outside of the house unless told to.
3.You're not allowed to cuss, talk back, or talk at all unless you're asked a question or spoken to.
4. Wear clothings that are from your wardrobe, if your 'Master' has picked one out for you wear it.
5. Eat the food you're given, do not refuse.
6. Eat only 2x/meals a day.
7.Don't fight back or attempt an escape.

There were so many rules. I thought it was going to be only a few. This was so frustrating, though all of Alex rules were easy, some were just kinda stupid. I continued to listen and not interrupt my Master while he is speaking and telling me the rules that I should be following around in the house.

8. Pacifier must be used at least once a day.
9.If your Master is not present, Louis is in charge.
10. Do not scream at your Master.

He glared at me when he said rule number ten. I yelled at him before when we were outside, on a stroll. Was I going to get punish for that? No, right? It was a few hours ago. He can't punish me..

11. Collar must be worn the whole day/every time unless you're sleeping or given direction not to.
12. All rules must be obeyed and so must all of your Master's command.
13. Do not look at your master directly in the eye, most of the time.
14. Ask permission before doing anything.
15. If you be a good boy, you earn little points for it. Points are by 5. If you have 15 you get a treat, if you have 25 you get to be treated gently, if you have 35 you get to have your collar off and a day to roam around the house for a little, etc. The more points the better. We'll call then Good Boy Points or 'GBP.'

"That's all the main rules. Follow them and you'll be fine. I also wanted to say that today you were only whipped for being  disobedient and I assure you that any other time you most likely won't be whipped." I rethink over all of the rules again. I repeat some in my head, especially rule number fifteen. "There's a few or just around two new rules for you, baby." I took the pacifier out of my mouth, I mean, I already stopped sucking on it. "Y-yes daddy? What's my additional rules?" He smiled at me. He was happy I was being a 'good boy'. I could tell since his smile was brighter than the other times. He was enjoying this so much, while I hated it. "You have to act like daddy's little boy all the time." He leaned in and whispered to me. The hand that were around my waist was now on my thighs. Alex gripped my thighs with his hand. "Mm.." I tried to be as quiet as I could. I turned to look out the window with flushed cheeks. Alex chuckled at me. I could tell Louis was probably holding back a small laugh.

"That was adorable. Now, the second additional rule is you.." He paused for a moment. He turned my head a little back to look at him, but making my gaze was down at the blanket. I remembered one of the rules. I can't look at my Master directly in the eye. "You're going to entertain me when I ask of you too or need you too." I fidgeted my hands together. "M-..Daddy, what do you mean by 'entertain'? Like with my body?" I asked. "Yes, with your body. You're so smart baby." He ruffled my hair. I let out a small whimper and pouted. Alex shoved a teddy bear between my thighs. I put both my hands arms around the stuffed toy bear. "You'll have a bedtime starting today. We'll also have playtime when I say so.." I nodded listening to him. He was done. Louis sat next to me and Alex. Louis stared at me, I felt him staring at me. I felt someone staring at me. "Tilt your head."  Louis said. "H-huh?" I looked at Louis in the eyes. Alexandre grabbed my hair with a tight grip and yanked me towards him. I yelped and whimper. I kept my gazed away from Alex. I whimpered as my hands reached up to touch his, the one that was gripping my hair. I tried to gently push his hand off, but he refused to let go and tightened his grip even more. "D-daddy! What did I do?" I cried out. " 'Do not look at your Master directly in the eye' applies to Louis too. He IS your Master too, got it?" I nodded my head quickly. It felt like he was pulling all my hair out. I wanted him to let go. "You're calling Louis, Sir from now on." "Y-yes daddy!" I said out loud, almost a scream or yell. It hurt. 'Please let go.' I begged in my mind. Alex threw me back causing my back to hit the headboard. It cracked a little. I still had the bear and curled up in a tight ball with it.

"Louis told you to tilt your head, didn't he baby?" He was giving me a cold stare I could feel it. I sat up knowing that was the right thing to do, obey. I got up and tilted my head to the left since they were sitting on the right side of me. I also shoved my bear to the side for the moment being. Louis leaned up a little and closer to my neck. He was only three-inches away by now. I could feel him breathing down my neck. Louis started biting and sucking on my neck. I let a little moan escape my lip knowing it probably satisfied them to hear it. Louis continued to bite and suck on my neck for minutes, that was until Alex joined too. My head was now leaned back(?) and my eyes were looking at the ceiling. I continued to make small noises. Alex was doing the left side of my neck and Louis was doing the right side of my neck. They both slowly moved down at the same time to my collarbone and did the same.

Once they were both done, I rubbed the both side of my neck and collarbone with my hands. The laughed at me. I wanted to sob and yell at them! I felt so humiliated in front of the, it was utterly embarrassing. This is cruel. They've already done so much to me, yet they're not satisfied. My necks were in saliva a little and it was in slight pain. Louis handed me a small mirror, I supposed he wanted me to look at my neck. I did. I looked at it. I had marks around my neck and collarbone. One mark was bigger than the other. I didn't even have a smile nor could I fake one. I didn't have enough energy to at the moment. I was too exhausted already from everything.

 I was too exhausted already from everything

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"W-why did you guys-" Alex smacked me. I already had a guess to why. 'Guys'. I said 'guys'. "S-sorry Daddy and Sir Louis." Louis was nicer than Alex. He was gentle, I can tell by the way he touched me. He was caressing my cheek at the moment. "What were you going to ask?" Louis questioned. He sounded curious. "I was going to ask Sir and Daddy, why did you leave marks on my necks?" I asked him what I wanted to previously ask before Alex had interrupted me. "Because you belong to us. We want people to know that." That was Alex response I glanced up a little, not directly looking at him. "O-oh.." I felt like an object, almost like a 'toy' to them. They treated me like one and made me defenseless, weak, useless, and felt like a 'nothing'.

"Cheer up!" Louis said. I looked over at him a little too. "We'll have a lot of fun tomorrow too, okay?" I nodded. Alex got up and Louis tucked me into bed. I cuddled the bear from earlier. Louis picked up the pacifier that was on the bed and put it into my mouth. "Suck on your little pacifier for now until you fall asleep, okay baby?" Alex said from the side. I nodded at Alex. I started sucking on the pacifier. They both each place one kiss on my forehead. "Night." "Night, baby." They both said. Louis turned off the light and closed the room behind them. Then, both were gone.

A/N Word:
There are 1,612 words in this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed. It was a little uh- uncomfortable for me, but I kinda have a daddy kink so I just put it in here. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter just like all the other!

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