Chapter 4

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               No matter how beautiful and sweet Y/N actually was, she was feeding my daughter and that was inadmissible. In her defense, she probably didn't have the slightest clue of my "relationship" with her daughter. But the one thing that made me question all this was the fact that she was breastfeeding. She told me she had adopted Jasmine, not that she had birthed her. So how was it possible that she was feeding Jasmine? Was she lying to me? Did she know Claire and was hired as a surrogate? What was going on? What was that beautiful woman hiding from me? I needed to start getting close to her and earn her trust in order to collect a DNA sample from Jasmine in order to reveal the truth. But this wasn't going to be easy... even if I did find out Jasmine was indeed my daughter. No matter what, Y/N was Jasmine's mother. Something tells me she wouldn't just hand over the baby. I shaked my head and turned back to Y/N, determined to start my plan.



"I was wondering if you would like to go out one of these days. Just me and you."

"Like a... date?"



"Like I said before... I want to get to know you better."

"I... I seriously don't know what you see in me."

"I know it's only been two weeks since we first met, but something about you just makes me want to know you better."

"I don't think you'll like me that much. I have a lot of baggage with me, and I'm not even talking about Jasmine."

"I don't care that you have a daughter, not at all."

"You don't? You really don't care that I'm a single mother?"

"Not at all..."

"I... fine, I'll go out with you. But only once. I can't get attached to someone again, not now."


               I was so wrong. I had told Seb it was only one date, but it turns out there were at least four or five. And I wasn't even counting the picnics we did with Jasmine. I was scared of starting all over and getting hurt again, but something about Seb made it all worth it. I even was currently waiting for him to open his apartment door. Seb had invited me and Jazz over for dinner. It was the first time we went to his apartment. A recently out of the shower Seb opened the door for us.

"Hey, lovely ladies."

"Hey... thanks for having the both of us over."

"It's a pleasure. Oh, if you want to change or feed Jasmine, I have a guest room you can use."


"So, what do you say we go eat right now?"

"I'd very much like that."

               Seb showed us to the dining room and then went to the kitchen to get the food. Dinner was amazing and the conversations we had made it even better. Then came an even better dessert. We were currently on his couch, me feeding Jazz and him drinking his coffee. Once I finished feeding Jazz, I gently burped her. But something went wrong and she ended up burping all over my shirt. Seb offered to clean her up while I got changed (being a mother, I always carried extra clothing for both me and my daughter).


                Y/N went into the guest room and I went to my room to change Jasmine. I lay her on the bed and knew this was going to be the only opportunity I'd have to collect a DNA sample from her. I looked around her bag for her clothes when I saw a hairbrush. That was it. That was my golden ticket. 

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