Chapter 9

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                Today was the day. Today was the day I would move in with Sebastian. After a lot of arguing and sleepless nights, I decided that moving in with him would be best for Jasmine. This wasn't a matter of what I wanted... the priority here was my daughter. Seb had already rented a moving truck to get most of my stuff to his place. I just had a few clothes with me. Even Jasmine's crib was already there. Sebastian had come to my place with a cab to help me with my stuff and last minute details.

"You ready?", Sebastian asked.

"I guess..."

"Hey, I know this must be hard. But think about Jasmine... it's the best for her. She needs both of us in her life."

"I know. But that's not really the thing... the thing is that I have to move in with you."

"I'm pretty sure my company isn't that bad. You said it yourself."

"You lied to me and manipulated me... so yes, it is that bad."


"Please don't make this worse. Let's just get this over with."

"Fine. Can I take Jasmine?"


              We finished loading the truck and got inside. The whole ride to his place was silent. Neither of us even looked to the other. We finally arrived and I held the elevator open for Seb while he put my stuff inside. Once we arrived at his apartment, we unloaded the elevator. Seb unlocked the door and put all my stuff inside. I was about to pick up Jasmine in her baby seat when I felt a hand on my arm.

"Wait... please. Can I pick her up in my arms before we go in?", Sebastian asked.


"I just want to introduce her to her new home."


               Sebastian crouched down and picked up Jasmine. Even though I was still mad at him for what he had done, I was still surprised at the way he handled her. He was so delicate. He always picked her up and held her like she was the most precious thing on Earth. I couldn't help but smile.

""Wait a minute... is that a smile I see on your face, Y/N?"


"I saw it. Don't deny it. What made you smile? Ever since all this happened I haven't seen you smile once. I miss your smile. I hope I'll see more of it."

"Whatever. Just get inside."

             Sebastian finally stepped inside.

"Hey, Jasmine, welcome to your new home. Daddy is so happy you're here. Now I'll be able to see everyday, won't I?", Sebastian said as he tickled her stomach.

               Jasmine gave him one of those beautiful smiles of hers. Despite my situation with Sebastian, he was really attached to her and she was becoming a daddy's girl.

"Hey, why don't we go put her in her crib and then I'll help you unpack?"


               Sebastian led me to her new room. He opened the door and my jaw was on the floor. I couldn't believe what he had done with the place. All her furniture was nicely arranged and he had painted the walls and added a few more decorations.

"I hope you like it... I did it all myself."

"You did this all by yourself?!?"

"Yeah... she's my daughter. She deserves the best I can offer. Y/N, no matter what you think about me, you have to understand that I will always want what's best for our daughter."

"I know... it's just that-"

"You weren't expecting me to do something like this?"


"It's ok... I get why you're thinking like that. I'm really sorry for everything that I've done."

"Thanks for apologizing... it means a lot to me."

"Why don't I show you your room now?"


                  Sebastian kissed Jasmine's forehead and she cooed. He came closer to me so I could do the same. He gave her one last look and finally lowered her into the crib.

"We love you, princess.", he whispered.

             We quietly left the room and closed the door. He made his way to my new room and I followed behind. Once there, he opened the door for me.

"Welcome to your room. I hope you like it."

"Like it? I love it! It's beautiful!"

                Sebastian had painted the walls in a light shade of teal and had decorated it with the same palette.

"If there's anything else you need, let me know."

"I'm good. This is perfect. Thank you so much."

"I'm glad you like it."

"Seb, I-"

"Y/N, I hope you know that I'm not trying to buy your trust back. I want to earn it back. This is just the least I could do."

"I know... and I appreciate it."

"Why don't I spend the rest of the day helping you unpack?"

"I'd love that."

              Sebastian gave me one of his heart-stopping smiles and we started unpacking. By the end of the day, I was wasted and ready to enjoy a good night of sleep in my new bed.

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