Chapter 5

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                 It's been a week since I sent Jasmine's hair sample to see if her DNA matched mine. Right now, the results had just arrived and I was about to open the envelope. I sat down on my couch cause I knew whatever the results were they were going to be intense. I took a deep breath and finally opened it. Positive. Jasmine's DNA did match mine. Jasmine really was my daughter. Now there was no chance at all I would give her up. As to how I'd deal with Y/N, that was a completely different matter. Even though Jasmine was technically mine, Y/N was her mother. Y/N was a mother... and there's nothing as fierce as a mother. Animal or human, mothers are mothers. Period. That's why I needed to get close to her and gain her trust in order to reveal the truth.


               It's been a month of me trying to get closer to Y/N. We've gone to each other's apartment several times, we went out to eat (with and without the baby)... you name it, we did it all. So, I decided it was time for me to really get things into motion. We were currently having dinner at a Italian restaurant... without the baby.

"So, Y/N, tell me more about the story behind Jasmine..."

"I- I, uh- I-"

"Hey, it's ok. We haven't known each other for long, so you probably don't trust me. I didn't mean any harm. Sorry."

"It's ok. I do trust you. It's just that I haven't talked about it to anyone."


"It's a delicate matter, but with you I feel like I can tell you anything. So thank you."

"Thank you."

"So... basically I was married and I got pregnant. We were both very excited and happy. I honestly think that at times my husband would be more excited than me. But, all good things come to an end. One week before Charlotte was born, my husband died in a car accident. I-"


"Yeah... so, I was gonna have to deliver and raise this baby all on my own. D-day finally arrived, but it definitely didn't go as planned. I thought it was bad enough to deliver a baby alone, but little did I know it could get worse. They were monitoring me when suddenly the baby's heartbeat stopped. There was nothing that could be done, so I delivered my stillborn daughter via C-section. It was awful. I was allowed to hold my daughter, Charlotte, for a while. I was still holding her when the doctor and one of the nurses came back into my room. He told me it was time for me to say goodbye to my daughter. I refused to, but he told me it was procedure. That's where Jasmine comes in. He told me he had a way to help mitigate my pain. He told me another one of his patients died in childbirth a few moments ago and left a daughter behind. I asked him if he meant what I thought he meant... that I should raise that baby as my own. He said it was exactly what he meant. He apologized if it seemed like too much, but he assured me he meant no harm. I told him I needed one last moment alone with my daughter to think about it. I held my daughter close to me and told her how much I loved her and how I would always love her, but that right now another baby girl needed a mommy. I told her that she could never be replaced, but this new baby could help ease my pain and that she could help soothe this baby's mommy pain in Heaven. I also asked her to say hi to her daddy for me. I kissed Charlotte Elizabeth one last time and called the doctor. He came in and gently took my daughter from my arms and told me to take some time alone. Once he left the room, I started crying all over again. I would never see my daughter again... I would never see her grow up, but now I had a chance to continue being a mother. Once I calmed down, I called the doctor again. A nurse came in first, followed by Dr. Cameron holding a baby. He made his way to my bed and I could finally see the baby's face. She was perfect and she was mine. He put her in my arms and I finally smiled. He asked me if I wanted to try feeding her since she hadn't been fed yet and I was full of milk. I agreed to do it. Once I was done, I asked him if she had a name. She did... Jasmine Grace. I decided to keep her first name, but use Charlotte's middle name in her honor. So that's the story of my daughter Jasmine Elizabeth."

"Wow!", I exclaimed. I had never imagined that her story could have been so intense and emotional. The thought of leaving her alone crossed my mind, but I quickly pushed it away. I was here for my daughter, not Y/N.

"Yeah... quite an emotional rollercoaster ride. Do you get now why I breastfeed my 'adopted' daughter?"

"I do. So, did you ever see the mother or got her name?"

"Yeah. Her name was Claire. Claire Smith."

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