Chapter 6

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              Boom. That was it. That was definite proof Jasmine was indeed mine. I felt a little sad knowing Claire had died, but maybe if she didn't I wouldn't have met Jasmine. I needed to up my game.

"Did you ever try to find out if there was a father involved? I'd like to know if I had a kid..."

"No. If the father really were interested, he'd gone after the mother when she was still alive. Anyways, she's my kid now... nobody will take her away from me."

"That's what you think...", I mumbled.

"What was that?"


"You said something... what was it? Why can't you just say it aloud?"

"I-I was just saying how fierce you are. How protective you are about Jasmine."

"Okay...", she sighed.

            We finished our dinner and each headed our way. All this was proving way harder than I thought.


               I was getting closer to Sebastian by the minute, even though I didn't want to. Well, it's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I wasn't ready for another romance... not that Seb would ever think of me in that way. I was currently waiting for Seb to open his door for me. It was probably the 99999th time he had invited me over for dinner since we'd met. But who was I to complain? The man's gorgeous and he's the kindest human being I've ever met.

"Hey...", a freshly-out-of-the-shower Seb said.

"Hey, you... thanks again for inviting us."

"Well, it's not everyday two beautiful girls eat dinner with you at the same time."

I blushed to the roots of my hair. The man was suave, I'll give him that.

"Make yourself at home... I'll be with you two in a moment. I don't cook, but I've managed to bake a cake for dessert. I really don't want to ruin it."

"Hey, take your time. I'm not going anywhere. The company here is way too good."

"Is there something else about me you enjoy other than my company?", he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"I- no. Go focus on your cake."

"Uh-huh... I'll pretend I believe you."

              I chuckled to myself and made my way to the living room. I set my bag on his coffee table, but I accidentally dropped a piece of paper while doing it. I picked it up to put it back where it belonged, but something caught my eye. Paternity test of Jasmine Elizabeth Y/LN x Sebastian Stan. What the hell?!? I made a beeline to the kitchen.

"What the hell is this, Sebastian?!?"

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