Chapter 14

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                 After a couple of hours, Jasmine was discharged from the hospital. I could see she was feeling much better now. We were headed to the entrance to order an Uber when Sebastian suddenly stopped.

"Y/N, which address do I put? Yours or mine?"

"Mine. I need to properly take care of her right now."


              Sebastian ordered the Uber and it soon arrived. Soon we arrived at my place and Sebastian unlocked my door while I held Jasmine.

"We're home, sweetie. You get to sleep now and then you'll wake up feeling better.", I said to Jasmine.

             Sebastian set her stuff on the couch and came back my way.

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course.", I answered as I handed him the baby.

             I could see in his eyes how much he missed his daughter. He loved her and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Can I go lay her down in her crib?", he asked.

"I'll come with you."

                We made our way to her bedroom and I opened the door for him. We approached her crib and lowered her into it. Sebastian wrapped both his arms around me. I instinctively did the same.

"I'll never get over the fact we have such a beautiful daughter."

"Neither will I..."



"What's this between us?"

              I completely froze.

"Nothing. We're just friends raising a baby together. That's it.", I said as I removed myself from his arms and made my way to the door.

"That's it?!? We're not just friends and you know it!", he exclaimed as he followed me.


"At least tell me why you've avoided me this past month...", he said as he pushed me outside and closed the door.

"I don't know...", I said as I walked to the living room.


"Fine! I avoided you because... because I think I'm in love with you, okay, and that scares the crap out of me."


"I hate how much I care about you. I hate the fact that you mean so much to me. I hate the fact that I can't look at you without feeling butterflies in my stomach."

"Y/N, I'm sorry I hurt you... it wasn't my intention. It never was. That girl was just a friend who came over to drop off some stuff she said I could have. Nothing happened between us. You wanna know why?"

"Wh- why?"

"Because I only have eyes for one girl. Two, actually."

"Seb, I-"

"You and the baby are the best thing that has happened to me. I love you both so much. Life was miserable without my two girls. Please come home, I miss you."

"Seb, I can't start over again."

"Y/N, why not? You deserve to be happy again. But being happy again won't mean you forget your daughter or your husband... it just means you have a second chance at love. I love you so much, Y/N, please give me a chance to make you happy again. Please."

"You actually mean it? You really love me?"

"Yes. I love you so much and all I want is to raise our daughter with you. I want to wake up to your sleeping face every morning. I want to spend rest of my life by your side. "

                 He places his hands on my waist and pulls me close.

"I'm in love with you, Y/N Y/MN Y/LN. Can I please kiss you right now?"

              I nodded. He looks into my eyes and then to my lips while biting his own lower lip. I smiled at him and leaned on my tiptoes to close the distance between us. He grabs my face and gently kisses me. It was everything and nothing I imagined. His hands slide around my neck and up into my hair. A soft moan escapes my lips, but I'm not sure he hears it. My question is answered when I feel him smile into the kiss and deepen it. I shyly wrap my arms around him and start kissing him back. We finally pulled apart, breathing heavily, only for him to grab me in a hug.

"I love you, Seb.", I murmured into his neck.

"How am I so lucky? How did I end up with a girl like you? Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would find someone like you (no puns intended). I love you, Y/N/N. You're the love of my life. You and Jasmine are the missing pieces I needed in my life.", he says, gently stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"I keep asking myself the same thing, Seb. How did a simple encounter result in all this? You've been so wonderful to me and Jasmine. She just loves you and adores you... I do too. That's why I'm so thankful for you Seb."

               He just smiled and kissed me one more time, this time a little deeper. It felt amazing. There was no place I'd rather be.

"Have I told you lately that I love you?", he suddenly asks.

"Not in the last two minutes...", I chuckled.

"Well then, let's correct that... I love you, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. And I'm the luckiest man alive cause I get to kiss you just because I can."

"Smooth... going all Michael Bublé on me now, are you?"

"Is it working?", he smirks.

"You bet it is."

                He puts one of his arms on my waist and leans in. But, just as our lips are less than an inch apart from each other, he stops.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend and come live with me... again?"

              I lean in and brush his lips with my own.

"Of course!"

                 He finally kisses me. After a few seconds, he starts deepening the kiss. I put my arms around his neck and he puts his other arm around my waist. I start combing his hair with my fingers. It felt so good. Suddenly his lips leave mine and travel slowly and enticingly down to my jaw and then to my neck. A muffled moan escapes my lips.

"Seb... why don't you spend the night here?", I coarsely said.

"Great idea...", he murmured on my neck.

"But no funny business...", I said.

"Yes, ma'am."


               Y/N grabbed my hand and led me to her bedroom. She climbed on the bed and I climbed besides her. I tried wrapping an arm around her, but she turned around to face me.

"I don't want to spoon. I want to lay my head on your chest and listen to your heart."

"Okay, darling."

                 Y/N made herself comfortable in my arms and soon fell asleep in my embrace, but not before removing her wedding ring and putting it on the nightstand. I sighed and kissed her forehead. From this day forth, Jasmine and Y/N were mine. They were my happiness, my home, my peace. They were mine. 

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