Chapter 7

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"I- uh, where did you find that?"

"On your coffee table. What the hell does this mean? What the-"

"I can explain. I can-"

"You can explain?!? It says it's a paternity test. A paternity test regarding Jasmine."

"I- Do you remember when we first met? My mom pulled me aside and told me how she thought Jasmine looked a lot like me when I was a baby. I couldn't believe it at first, but then it was just so clear that I couldn't deny it. It was too much..."

"Too much?!? Too much is me finding out that you- you stole my daughter's DNA. How- when?"

"Remember the first time you came to my apartment? I managed to pull a few hairs from Jasmine's hairbrush when you weren't looking."

"Her hairbrush... what's wrong with you?!?"

"I just had to be 100% sure she was my daughter."

"She's not your daughter! Never will be!"

"But she is... DNA doesn't lie."

"Don't think for one minute that you can use this pathetic paternity test to take my daughter away from me."

"I never said I wanted to take Jasmine away from you. I would never do that. Who do you think I am?"

"I sneaky SOB. That's what you are. Why the hell didn't you go after Claire in the first place? Why didn't you try to find out what was wrong with her when you guys broke up?"

"I tried... it's just that we didn't end on good terms."

"And now you want to steal my daughter away from me... why should I pay for your mistakes?"

"She's my daughter too."


"Okay... ours."


"Y/N... I think we should co-parent Jasmine."


"I'm dead serious. I think it would be the best for us all. So, what do you think?"

"I- I need time to process all this. And I also want to redo this paternity test. I can't just fall for this. What guarantees I have you're not being all sneaky with this too?"

"I'm not. I promise."


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