Chapter 13

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               Jasmine was turning one today and I had begrudgingly agreed to meet Sebastian this afternoon some place public so he could see her. In his defense, he hadn't seen her in a month and it was her first birthday. I had the day off so I could enjoy my time with my birthday girl. I had played with her all morning and was now starting to prepare lunch. I put Jasmine in her high seat in the kitchen so she could see me.

"Hey, sweetie, mommy is going to make some food now and she's going to make something special for you.", I said as I kissed her forehead.

As soon as I kissed her, I realized how warm she felt. Her face was also a little redder than usual.

"Hey baby, you've got a fever? Mommy is going to grab some medicine and she'll be right back."

               I quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed Jasmine's special first-aid kit. I found the medication I was looking for and went back to the kitchen. I gave her the medication and decided to remove her from the chair so I could lay her down to sleep. As soon as I picked her up, she became all clingy and I could see she was really sick. That's when I came up with an idea... even though she was weaned, one last feeding could benefit her. So I sat down on the couch and lifted my shirt. Jasmine willingly accepted my breast. I could see she wasn't feeling her best cause she quickly fell asleep while I nursed her. I gently unlatched her and adjusted my shirt. I made my way to her room with her in my arms and gently laid her in her crib. I quietly made my way back to the kitchen. I fixed myself a quick lunch and decided I would monitor Jasmine until it was time to meet Sebastian.

                The afternoon slowly passed and I went to check on Jasmine again. She had gotten worse. She was burning and she was really fussy. That was it... I was going to the hospital immediately. I quickly dialed Sebastian's number.


"I don't have time to talk. I'm on my way to the hospital. It's the baby."

"What happened?!?"

"I don't know. All I know is that she has a burning fever. I don't know if-"

"I'll meet you there."

                  By the time I arrived at the hospital, Sebastian was already there. He grabbed Jasmine's bag from my shoulder and we rushed into the ER. A nurse quickly came and asked us what was wrong. We told her and she immediately directed us to a room. She left to get the pediatrician and I gently laid Jasmine on the bed. Sebastian didn't leave my side a single instant.

"Seb, what if she has something serious? What if it's something I could have prevented?"

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay, Y/N, our daughter is going to be okay."

"But what if she doesn't? I can't lose this baby either. ", I asked, my eyes already watery.

"Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that.", he said as he pulled me into his arms.

               I gladly accepted his embrace and wrapped my arms around him. I couldn't prevent the tears from coming. Sebastian only tightened his embrace and kissed the top of my head.

"It's going to be okay, darling."

             A few minutes later the nurse came back with the doctor.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Jones. When did this fever start?"

"It started today around lunchtime. I gave her some medication and put her to sleep. I did breastfeed her before, even though I recently weaned her, to see if it would help a little. When I went to check on her again, she was a lot worse. That's when I called her father and we came here."

"Okay. I'm gonna examine her, but it doesn't look like something you could have prevented."

"So that means I did nothing wrong?"

"Yes. As a mother myself, I know what you're feeling, so don't worry."

              I sighed and went back to Sebastian's arms. The doctor examined her for a few minutes and soon turned our way.

"It's an ear infection. She'll be okay. We're gonna give her some meds through an IV and in a couple of hours you'll be able to take her home."

"Okay. Thank you so much."

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