Tiefling BF | Morrigan | Part 2 | NSFW

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Female Human Reader x Masculine Tiefling Boyfriend

You x He/Him

NSFW (for sex stuff)

Tags: Softcore, Sexual Debut

Hey, writing sex scenes is hard...I had trouble making sure the vocab for genitals and junk wasn't too (dry/scientific/bad)-sounding so hopefully it worked??? I think this might be my second NSFW I posted so my bad if it's kinda...bad...but I did try!


You step into a dark room located right above the parlor, a brick studio apartment with hardwood floors. A large, comfy-looking couch placed in front of a modest flat-screen TV welcomes you to settle down and take off your shoes, only to lose your attention to an equally large bed on the other side of the room. Mindlessly taking off your shoes, your feet curl into one of the soft fur-like rugs placed strategically on the floor. The mature art pieces that are hung up are softened with decorative curtains and lights, the entire place emanating intimacy in all its forms. Walking up to the end of the bed, you long to dive into the plush duvet and wrap it around you. Coming a bit out of your daze, you look to Morrigan who is watching you with curiosity.

"Would you like something to drink?" he asks, motioning to his kitchen.

"Sure, that sounds...nice," you tell him as you walk over with him, trying not to invade his space too much but still extremely curious nonetheless.

He starts listing off the different drinks: "I have a good selection of wine, some beer...well, what are you in the mood for?"

Looking over the different labels, you recognize some of them, but most of the names are meaningless to you.

"Actually," you say, turning to Morrigan with a smile. "I really want some hot chocolate right now."

Morrigan gives a small chuckle: "Excellent choice, my dear."

As he preps the drinks, you go over to the shelves next to the TV, finding rows and rows of movies impeccably organized. You get lost in the perusing until Morrigan brings a steaming mug to you.



"...It's hot."

"I suppose I should've figured that," you joke sheepishly. "Well, it tastes good er, /did/ taste good...when I still had tastebuds."

Morrigan smirks as he takes a hearty sip of his without even wincing.

You scoff with amusement: "Do you...like...prefer hot stuff then?"

"I do," he says, taking another sip but keeping an eye on you. "Especially when they start off cold and standoffish."

"You know what I mean."

He finishes his drink and sets it on the TV stand: "I can withstand hotter temperatures, but I do prefer colder things..."

You slowly take a sip of your hot chocolate.

"...Particularly when I'm...getting hot...myself."

You barely stop yourself from spit-taking.

Oh, right.

The longing is still there, but your anxiety begins to bubble up again and you look away from him. You clutch the mug a little tighter.

"Hey," he says, noticing the shift in your posture and gently turning your chin to him. "Do not be afraid."

It was hard not to be when you were still not used to those glowing yellow eyes, unable to see beneath the surface...but you could feel your body getting hot.

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